A new report has revealed that mental health patients across England are ready to be discharged but are unable to leave due to a severe shortage of supported housing.
During the pandemic, people spent significantly more time sitting down due to isolation or remote working - but what is the mental health impact?
Parents across the US with children who have complex medical conditions (CMCs) are more likely to have mental health issues and lack community support, according to new research.
Chairs of the Parliament’s Coalition for Mental Health and Wellbeing demand immediate action to address the growing mental health crisis and the creation of a long-term Mental Health Strategy.
Postpartum mental health visits for new mothers increased by 30% during the COVID-19 pandemic, as researchers suggest that the increased use of virtual appointments may have removed barriers to care.
Scientists analysed 59,000 Icelandic adolescents to understand the psychological impact of COVID-19 - now, they say the pandemic has significantly harmed the mental health of teenage girls.
Brendan Street, Professional Head of Emotional Wellbeing, Nuffield Health, explores whether technology can have a positive effect on our mental health.
When it comes to facing the COVID pandemic, healthcare professionals were at the frontline and new research suggests that 47% of critical care nurses are at risk of PTSD.
Peter Seldon, CEO, Consultus Care & Nursing, explores the impact of COVID-19 and mental health within social care settings and what best practices can be adopted to support both carers and clients.
A team at the Karolinska Institutet found that some patients who recovered by accessing depression treatment showed an increase in their average level of serotonin transporter.