Mental Health

Mental health patients stuck in hospitals for over 100,000 days due to shortage of supported housing

A new report has revealed that mental health patients across England are ready to be discharged but are unable to leave due to a severe shortage of supported housing.

People with severe mental disorders more likely to die from COVID-19

A new study from Umeå University and Karolinska Institutet has found that people with severe mental disorders have a significantly increased risk of dying from COVID-19.

Dr Alex George appointed as Youth Mental Health Ambassador

Prime Minister Boris Johnson appoints Dr Alex George as a Youth Mental Health Ambassador during Children's Mental Health week.

1 in 3 adults are anxious about COVID-19

Researchers at Duke-NUS Medical School have reported that one in three adults are experiencing psychological distress related to COVID-19, including anxiety and depression.

Holocaust survivors show researchers the lifelong impact of trauma

With eyewitness awareness of how six million Jewish people lost their lives, aging Holocaust survivors have carried an impossible burden - now, researchers are attempting to document the lifelong impact of trauma.

‘Brain training’ may reduce symptoms of PTSD

Researchers have found that neurofeedback, or 'brain training', may be an effective treatment for individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) linked to pandemic panic

Researcher's from Flinders University studied the rise in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms as a result of COVID-19 pandemic panic.

Young minds matter: Protecting children’s mental health from lockdown 3.0

Jon Smedley, a former teacher and founder of Teach Active, explains how schools can help children stay physically active to limit the negative impact of lockdown 3.0 on their mental health.

Peer support leader programmes help teens with anxiety and depression

According to a new national poll, 1 in 3 parents strongly encourage schools having peer support leader programmes for their child's mental health.

Food insufficiency linked to depression and anxiety during pandemic

25% rise in food insufficiency during the COVID-19 pandemic linked to increased mental health issues, according to a new study.

Why doesn’t lithium work for 70% of bipolar disorder patients?

Salk Institute scientists believe they have solved this mystery for bipolar disorder patients - the answer involves a specific gene, and proposes changes to the future of treatment.

The National Institute for Health Research and mental health research priorities

Here, Open Access Government maps the mental health research priorities of the NIHR as now more than ever, citizens need efficient and effective support.

Innovative psychiatry for the 21st century – Close to domicile. Competent. Human

Elena Posth & Romina Männl from Pfalzklinikum walk us through exactly how the company has entered into a new and exciting era of treating people with mental illness by charting their ‘Innovative psychiatry for the 21st century – Close to domicile. Competent. Human’ project.

Alleviating Seasonal Affective Disorder in WFH employees

Here, Know Your Money have listed a handful of tips for employers on how they can alleviate Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in work from home employees.

NIH study finds postpartum depression could persist 3 years after childbirth

A new NIH study has found that 1 in 4 women experienced high levels of postpartum depression at some point in the three years after giving birth.

Top ten ways to help tackle burnout

Elizabeth Houghton, Business and Life Success Coach, Sutton Full Potential, shares ten top tips on how to tackle burnout.

How the festive season is affecting your hormones

To help identify how the festive season could be affecting your hormones, we caught up with expert nutritionist from bioniq, Clarissa Lenherr, who explains five ways the festive season might be causing you more harm than good and what you can do about it.


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