A new report has revealed that mental health patients across England are ready to be discharged but are unable to leave due to a severe shortage of supported housing.
Mark Williams, co-founder of mind and body fitness app REVOOLA, discusses how businesses can play an important role in promoting staff wellbeing during COVID-19.
Colin Adams, qualified life coach and director at Henley Training, gives his top tips on how to approach mindfulness as a key worker in order to cope with COVID-19 anxiety.
Hayley Broughton-McKinna, senior trainer at PMAC - mental health training and wellbeing professionals, offers advice on how to cope with other aspects of COVID-19 such as mental health and wellbeing.
Ruth Farenga, managing director of Mindful Pathway, explores how leaders can look after their personal wellbeing and effectively manage stress during uncertain times.
Research by the University of Phoenix found that 41% of Americans are worried about COVID-19 anxiety levels, even more than concerns about paying bills and rent.
Simon Blake, Chief Executive of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England, highlights how we can adapt to managing mental health remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated remote working to an unprecedented scale and has caused an influx of mental health concerns. Here, Sue Lingard, a director of Cezanne HR, highlights several steps that employers can take to build mental resilience among a remote workforce.
Jeremy Shulman, Chief Editor, Subscriptions and Product at Interactive Pro and Edology, advises how one can escape the daily negative news cycle due to Coronavirus and isolation, looking at different aspects including work, learning and how to stay informed.
Lucinda Carney, Chartered Occupational Psychologist and Founder at Actus, discusses the impact that self-isolation has on mental health and how businesses can minimise stress amongst its workforce.
Hugo Minchin (MBACP), Director, co-founder and counsellor at Talk to the Rainbow, discusses how coronavirus has had a massive impact on therapeutic services and counselling available to vulnerable people.
Nick Taylor, CEO and Co-Founder at Unmind, discusses how employers can tackle the stress and fear caused by Coronavirus, and how they can continue to support their employees’ mental health from afar.