A new report has revealed that mental health patients across England are ready to be discharged but are unable to leave due to a severe shortage of supported housing.
The secret of the genetic risk of schizophrenia has been hiding in plain sight — the placenta, says the groundbreaking study conducted by the Lieber Institute for Brain Development.
With mental health issues on the rise, Ryan Exley from the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health explains why organisations must understand risk factors for poor mental health at work and implement measures to protect the wellbeing of their staff.
University of Queensland research led by Professor Julie Henry suggests that normal age-related cognitive changes may increase the risk of internalised ageism in older people.
Frequent exposure to racism impacts long-term mental health, often influencing ‘racial trauma’, leading to self-hatred and a low sense of self-worth
Across many African American...
Professor John Sharry, Psychotherapist, Clinical Advisor for SilverCloud® by Amwell® and Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Psychology University College Dublin, walks us through some child mental health issues.
The ‘virtual visits’ which transpired following the shift to telemedicine during COVID-19 restrictions improved depression care in quality and in quantity.
Fatima Awil, Policy and Knowledge Officer, at Mental Health Europe, argues that mental health support must be given priority as part of a comprehensive approach to well-being for refugees and migrants.
The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) launches a new talking therapy for self-harm trial in an effort to reduce the number of those struggling in the UK.