The UK government has new plans to address the growing issue of digital exclusion, which affects millions of people and could slow economic growth if it isn't tracked effectively.
A group of prominent Scottish Earth scientists have secured a substantial £1 million grant from the UK Government to pioneer innovative techniques for quantifying carbon dioxide storage in volcanic rock.
A new equation has revealed that twice the amount of predicted subglacial waters might be draining into the ocean, causing sea level rises and ecological damage.
Protium explores green hydrogen production in a case study of the Protium Project Pioneer 1, exploring carbon storage and net zero possibilities in energy.
Research presented by ESC Congress 2023 has revealed that understanding and acting on heart attack symptoms is linked to faster lifesaving treatment
The study investigated...
As students prepare to re-enter school, two prominent concerns loom larger in parents' minds: the pervasive influence of overuse of social media and the internet on their children.
Elizabeth Anderson, Interim Chief Executive of Digital Poverty Alliance, explains the importance of prioritising investment in UK digital connectivity.
A series of groundbreaking projects, funded by the UK Space Agency, harness environmental satellite data to address issues like water pollution, carbon emissions, and biodiversity threats.
New research is improving the accuracy of the parameters governing the expansion of the universe, helping astronomers determine how the universe grew into its...
In an incredible development, the UK Armed Forces are set to experience improved connectivity on the battlefield, thanks to massive £89 million contract award.
With AMLO set to step down, many are looking to Mexico's future and asking who will be leading it. With polls suggesting a MORENA victory is inevitable, who are the candidates, and what do they stand for?
J.D. Huba from Syntek Technologies explains about modeling plasmasphere ducts as part of this focus on the plasmasphere, the extension of the earth’s ionosphere.
A study in Hypertension highlights an association between COVID-19 and persistent high blood pressure, among specific demographics and people with preexisting health conditions.