Abortion legislation is being criticised after woman has been sentenced to prison for an induced abortion after taking more than the legal limit of pills.
Claire Benson, Founder and Director at SDG Changemakers, argues that implementing a sustainable economic policy intervention requires a sustainable government.
This significant accord serves to officially recognise and validate professional qualifications obtained in the United Kingdom within the borders of Switzerland.
CCS provide an update on the Mobile Voice and Data Services agreement, illustrating the broader aim to enable the best pricing on core services for the public sector.
Dr Avinash Hari Narayanan (MBChB), Clinical Lead at London Medical Laboratory, explains that we need stronger efforts worldwide to end HIV transmission and improve the lives of those living with the disease.
Phil Haslam, Managing Director of North Atlantic Fishing Company (NAFCO), walks us through feeding the world through a productive and sustainable fishing industry
Innovation for new healthcare technology has been funded toward treatments for Alzheimer’s, cancer and more, with support going to digital hubs and technology-assisted surgery.
Public sector digital transformation has been a slow and challenging process. Exacerbated by a lack of funding, many agencies struggle to maintain legacy IT infrastructures, or upgrade them.
AI's impact on mental health cannot be ignored; research reveals frequent interaction with artificial intelligence systems increases the likelihood of loneliness, insomnia and increased after-work drinking.
As the temperatures continue to rise, we all need to be aware of the dangers of our sun and how to keep safe in hot weather, especially looking out for those most vulnerable.