Aarthi Janakiraman, Research Director of the Advanced SciTech Division at Everest Group, thoroughly examines the role of AI in sustainable agriculture.
The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health weighs up the aim of reducing emissions from public sector buildings by 75% by 2037, compared to a 2017 baseline.
To transform the public sector under increasing pressure, governments need data sharing, which most importantly needs to be high-quality and accessible.
660,990 tonnes of chocolate are eaten every year in the UK - that’s around 11 Kg of chocolate per person per year, but are there possible benefits of chocolate?
A UK Parliament TikTok account has brought up the discussion of heavier cybersecurity policies, given the possibility of data being passed to the Chinese state.
Link established between western diets high in fat and sugar and the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, the leading cause of chronic liver disease.
Chris Norman, the VP of Healthcare at Elcom highlights some of the issues hospitals and operating theatres are having with increasing patient safety and cutting costs.
Jenni Black, Nature Transformation Lead at the World Benchmarking Alliance, argues that we must hold businesses accountable for protecting and restoring nature.