Aarthi Janakiraman, Research Director of the Advanced SciTech Division at Everest Group, thoroughly examines the role of AI in sustainable agriculture.
Mike Braithwaite, Managing Director at MDB, walks us through bridging the UK innovation gap, focussing on G-Cloud & the challenges around public and private sector collaboration.
The benefits of a good night's sleep on mental health is well-known, but now researchers have discovered it has an impact on response to vaccination too.
U.S. President Joe Biden and his administration have advanced on a decision that could allegedly damage our climate beyond repair, but what is the Willow Project and how will it change the world around us?
Cuba's political prisoners total 1,066, with 11 new cases in February, highlighting the systematic violation of rights in all cases of political imprisonment in Cuba.
The ‘virtual visits’ which transpired following the shift to telemedicine during COVID-19 restrictions improved depression care in quality and in quantity.
It is crucial that effective measures are put in place to counter the strength of modern cyber threats, not just relying on mobile-based authentication.
Professor Robert Wille at the Technical University of Munich and the Software Competence Center Hagenberg discusses when quantum computing applications and knowledge are required – and, when not.
Paul Sommerfeld, Executive Trustee, TB Alert and Chair, TB Europe Coalition, walks us through tackling tuberculosis. We hear that while there are continuing problems, there are finally grounds for optimism.
Becoming a Microsoft Solutions Partner is a significant achievement for any technology company, but recent updates mean it is now harder than ever to achieve this status.
Charlina Vitcheva, Director-General, DG MARE, European Commission, describes a holistic approach to the sustainable use of ocean resources, thriving coastal communities and a profitable fishing sector.
The sensation of ‘weightlessness’ during space travel has long-term effects on the brain, where the brain's rules about gravity are no longer applicable.