Open Access News

water births

“Clear benefits” in water births for both parent and child

Water births have been seen to provide health benefits for both parents and newborns – with lower rates of medical interventions and complications during and after birth.
omicron sub variants, vaccines

Omicron subvariants are better at eluding vaccines

The most recent omicron subvariants have caused new infection spikes across the United States, as researchers find they are better at eluding vaccines.

Stress accelerates aging of the immune system

Stress such as trauma, job strain, everyday worries and even discrimination contributes to the aging of the immune system.

Enhancing waste valorisation for a sustainable industry

The development of more sustainable technologies for energy-intensive industry is imperative to meet ambitious targets by 2050.
digital experience, universities

The digital higher education expectation gap and universities

The digital higher education expectation gap is larger than most would think, so we look at what it means for universities and the student’s digital experiences.
cop27, climate change

Egypt’s COP27 vision: mitigation, adaption, and finance

Hosting the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Egypt prepares for COP27. Here’s the breakdown:.
life expectancy

Has life expectancy slowed down in the UK?

Although life expectancy has doubled since 1841, predicted life span is now slowing down in the UK, and the coronavirus pandemic hasn't helped.
levelling up, economy

Levelling up small businesses is now more important than ever in the UK

Levelling up is stalling, as the government needs to push further initiatives to create inclusive growth for small businesses in the UK.
skin cancer mortality

A digital focus in the fight against skin cancer mortality

Jon Friis, Founder and CEO at Miiskin, states the case for a digital focus in the fight against skin cancer mortality.
gender neutral toilets, women

The UK Government has rejected gender neutral toilets in public buildings

The UK Government has announced its plan to place separate male and female toilets in all new public buildings – forgoing gender neutral toilets to protect women.
humpback whale

Whales can learn complex songs from whales in other regions

A cultural transmission: humpback whales can learn and memorise complex songs from whales from other regions.
risk of dementia, social isolation

Social isolation can increase risk of dementia by 26%

Social isolation can cause a higher risk of dementia, as it may develop lower brain volume in areas related to cognition.
inclusive workplace

Promoting the creation of an inclusive workplace

Dr Christine Grant, Associate Fellow at the Coventry University Centre for Healthcare Research, introduces the ‘Remote for All’ (R4All) research study, discussing disability, neurodiversity, an inclusive workplace, and remote e-working in the UK.
privatisation of healthcare, outsourcing

Privatisation of healthcare leads to worse quality of care

Health outsourcing has been found to be linked to higher mortality rates, as privatisation of healthcare worsens healthcare services.
fuel cost

Motorway protests in response to soaring fuel costs

Go-slow protesters are targeting motorways in Wales, Essex and Devon, in a demonstration over high fuel costs.
food, artificial photosynthesis technology

Using artificial photosynthesis technology to produce food

Food could become independent of sunlight through artificial photosynthesis technology, increasing the conversion efficiency of sunlight into food by up to 18 times.
latinx with dementia

Latinx with dementia: Getting the help you need

The Tension Between Cultural Values and Getting the Help You Need.

Rising COVID numbers: 1 in 18 people with Omicron variant in Scotland

COVID cases are up by 32% in the UK as Omicron sub-variants continue to spread at an alarming rate, with 1 in 18 infected in Scotland.
health systems, tourism

Better health systems: putting health at the heart of tourism

Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge & Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat explain the importance of putting health at the heart of tourism, including a commitment made in this vein by Europe’s smallest countries to better health systems.
russia ukraine

First NATO summit since Russia Ukraine war

Allies promise to back Ukraine at first NATO summit since Russia invaded Ukraine, but this is not enough to stop Putin.

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