A new analysis from the Health Foundation has revealed concerns over the future funding needs of NHS England with warnings of a potential shortfall unless the health service can significantly boost its productivity in the coming years.
To foster the transition to a net-zero economy, the Commission has approved the Spanish scheme to support the production of industrial electric car batteries.
President Biden’s approval of the $8 billion Willow Project has rightly sparked environmental outrage across the globe, but are the political consequences of its endorsement being overlooked?
From drug research and ocean sediment to digital technology, the UK’s investment in infrastructure labs is to facilitate excellent national research and science.
We may be seeing actual change occur in the battle against Amazon deforestation, with government data reporting a 40 per cent reduction in land clearing when compared with the same period in 2022.
Building on decades of ‘close cooperation', the UK and Japan have signed a renewed science and technology deal with the aim to bring cutting-edge new technologies to market.
Multi-mobility is on the rise. Combining existing transport solutions, such as public transport, taxis, and car sharing is a trend that is positively changing the transport landscape.
The secret of the genetic risk of schizophrenia has been hiding in plain sight — the placenta, says the groundbreaking study conducted by the Lieber Institute for Brain Development.
By estimating the age of microplastics in the ocean, researchers are finding a difference between the degradation of offshore and nearshore microplastics.
EU commissioner Mariya Gabriel has been nominated to be the next prime minister for the centre-right party of Bulgaria, but a political deadlock ensues.