Open Access News

medical costs, patients with thyroid cancer

Reducing medical costs of patients with thyroid cancer by centralising medical functions

Professor Hiroki Konno at Nihon University explores proposals for reducing medical costs for patients with thyroid cancer in Japan.
full spectrum cbd, Cannabidiol

Full spectrum CBD: What Sets Charlotte’s Web Apart

Here, Savage Cabbage explain why their full-spectrum Cannabidiol (CBD) products are different to others on the market.
synthetic data approach, machine learning

The synthetic data approach: The new unlimited data plan for AI models

Dayna Arnold, Project Manager at Zest Consult, discusses the benefits of using a synthetic data approach to machine learning as an innovative solution for increasing the availability, accuracy & security of more cost effective data.
technology within agriculture, farming sector

How can we unlock smart technology within agriculture?

Looking towards technology within agriculture, smart technologies could soon be harnessed in the farming sector to benefit both businesses and societies.
private innovation

From basic research to private innovation

What’s the return on basic research spending? What can policymakers do to make basic research more valuable, beyond simply spending more taxpayer money? And what role will private innovation have?.
Advanced air mobility, rural communities

Advanced air mobility can connect rural communities and regions

Taking lessons from advanced air mobility in urban spaces and applying it to rural and regional communities in the levelling-up agenda.
mouse model, cutaneous leishmaniasis, vaccination

Lessons from the mouse model of cutaneous leishmaniasis

Peter Bretscher, from the University of Saskatchewan looks at whether mouse models of cutaneous leishmaniasis are pertinent for vaccination against and treatment of AIDS, infectious diseases, and cancer.
nhs app services, carbon emissions

NHS App services cut emissions from over 20,000 car journeys 

By using the NHS App services, fewer people are commuting to their GPs for health advice - cutting 22,000 car journeys a month.
post pandemic health, economic recovery

Social care at the heart of post-pandemic health & economic recovery

Mitesh Dhanak, Chair of the Organising Committee of Championing Social Care and Founder of Precious Homes, states the case for putting social care at the heart of post-pandemic health and economic recovery.
freshwater wetlands,

A piece of the puzzle into climate research: freshwater wetlands microbes

Emily Davenport and Arpita Bose discuss the case for freshwater wetlands as vital pieces of the solution for climate change and sustainable energy synthesis.
cancer screening

Is there a racial disparity in cancer screenings across England?

According to new research black people are 38% less likely than white people to be diagnosed at cancer screenings in England.
prostate cancer cells

Genomic instability and nuclear architecture in cancer

Sabine Mai and Aline Rangel-Pozzo, at the CancerCare Manitoba Research Institute and The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, discuss genomic instability in relation to 3D spatial organization of telomeres.
hyperspectral camera, technology

Hyperspectral camera imaging promotes research of the seas and space

Mikko Mäkelä, Research Professor at VTT, discusses the possibilities of a hyperspectral camera – a device that can see things which the human eye cannot.
personalised medicine, cannabis

The importance of personalised medicine & technology in the future of medical cannabis

Dr Stephen Barnhill M.D from Apollon Formularies Plc discusses the potential for technology to upgrade personalised medicine for cannabis treatments.

What is the role of the meeting room in the post COVID pandemic workplace

Alison White of PLACEmaking asks what impact the post-COVID pandemic workplace has had on the traditional office meeting room.
gun violence restraining order, mass shooting, red laws

Could gun violence restraining orders prevent mass shootings in the US?

Gun violence restraining orders already exist in some states, and research finds that they may contribute to more gun safety and potentially, lower rates of mass shootings.
improve mental health

True or false? Can we improve mental health through diet and physical activity

Unravelling the short-term effects of diet and physical activity on their ability to improve mental health – the Eat2beNICE APPetite study.
book driving test

Why is it so difficult to book a driving test?

Investigation reveals that driving tests are being bulk booked and resold for profit with learners paying more than £200 for a test.

UK Cannabis Industry – the next Scottish Whisky

Nick Morland, Tenacious Labs CEO, All-Party Parliamentary Group for CBD Products Secretariat, Jersey Cannabis Services Advisory Board Chair, writes about the UK Cannabis Industry – could this be the next Scottish Whisky?
approaches to ai, machine learning

Artificial Intelligence: approaches to AI to solve complex problems even without data

Here Jose M. Peña Director at Lurtis LTD explores the different approaches to AI problems beyond using Machine Learning.

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