Open Access News

leapfrog innovations

ARENA2036 – co-creating leapfrog innovations beneath one roof

Dr Clemens Ackermann at ARENA2036 discusses the leapfrog innovations taking place in a variety of disciplines and in research.
resilience and efficiency

Selecting for resilience and efficiency: The solution for European cattle farming

Nicolas Friggens at the French Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE) discusses cattle farming resilience and efficiency with genomics in breeding programmes
biological control agents, soil & pest management

How to improve biological control agents for soil and pest management

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, explains the need for an integrated approach to improve adoption of biological control agents for soil and pest management.
public sector organisations

Why public sector organisations are shifting from monitoring to observability

Head Geek™ at SolarWinds, Sascha Giese, explores how public sector organisations are implementing observability over their previous method of network monitoring.
women in leadership, sarah jones

What is the future of women in leadership?

Women in leadership are the future and they should push for career progress, according to seasoned Leadership Coach Sarah Jones.
effective governance

Training & consultancy in effective governance, risk & compliance

Michael Wuestefeld-Gray at WuDo Solutions discusses how to deliver effective governance for the public, private and charity sectors.
EV battery

EV battery research for transportation

Dave Howell, U.S. Department of Energy’s Principal Deputy Director of the Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains Office and Director of the Vehicle Technologies Office...
Autonomous shipping, emissions

The background scenario for Autonomous Shipping

Marco Molica Colella, project coordinator for AUTOSHIP, discusses the EU’s role in autonomous shipping and changing of transport emissions globally.
renewable energy production, Ireland

Ireland could become European leader in renewable energy production

Ian O’Hora, Head of Green Economy at IDA Ireland, discusses renewable energy production and exports, and how Ireland is gradually excelling in its climate action strategies.
social exclusion, ICT

A gendered view on ICT and social inclusion

Dr Sarah Mohammad-Qureshi, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Partner at The University of Law, presents a gendered view on ICT and social inclusion.
who foundation, alcohol industry

Does the alcohol industry donate to the WHO foundation?

The WHO foundation should not accept donations from the alcohol industry, according to reviewers of the loopholes in the Gift Acceptance Policy.
space science

Low-cost high-productivity space science from Japan

NAOJ Director General Saku Tsuneta provides an overview of Japan’s involvement in space science.

Artificial Photosynthetic Chemical Process (ARPChem) project in Japan: achievements and future challenges

Here, Professor Kazunari Domen, Shinshu University and The University of Tokyo, summarizes the 10-year ARPChem project conducted from 2012 to 2022 under the support of New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).
policymakers, methane emissions

Do policymakers undervalue how dangerous methane emissions are?

Methane emissions have been increasing rapidly in recent years, but a study finds policymakers often neglect this information when addressing climate change.
communicable diseases, biological pathways

Cellular & biological pathways from studies on communicable diseases

Adonis Sfera and Zisis Kozlakidis provide recent insights into cellular and biological pathways from studies on communicable diseases.
prescription costs, NHS

NHS to save £17 million by freezing new prescription costs

Prescription costs will be frozen by the NHS to help ease the rising cost of living across the UK, saving £17 million overall for patients.
quantum computing pitfall, public sector

Government’s next big task? Avoiding the quantum computing pitfall

David Mahdi, Chief Strategy Officer and CISO Advisor at Sectigo, explores what could be the government’s next big task and avoiding the quantum computing pitfall.
Diagnostic hubs

Diagnostic hubs: A short-term fix for a long-term problem?

Collette Johnson, Head of Marketing at Sanome, turns the spotlight onto diagnostic hubs. Are they a short-term fix for a long-term problem, she asks.
stationary fuel cells

Stationary fuel cells reliably boosting industry growth

Frank Wolak, President and CEO, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association, argues here that stationary fuel cells reliably boost industry growth.
manta ray habitats, tourism

Regional recovery of manta ray habitats through tourism limitations

Komodo National Park has one of the world’s largest manta ray habitats – and researchers think this may be due to stricter tourism regulations allowing them to flourish.

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