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Understanding Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The challenges from diagnosis to treatment mean that ME/CFS can have a dramatic impact on patients' lives. Representatives from the British Association of Clinicians in ME/CFS (BACME) provide further insights.

Technology-supported workflow for better stroke care

Mary Hardcastle, the Vice President of Sales, EMEA at RapidAI, discusses how advanced technology is supporting more efficient stroke care, as hospitals work to meet ambitious new guideliness for care.

Why do the effects of an anti-ageing drug differ with gender?

The effect of the anti-ageing drug rapamycin differs in male and female fruit flies, find researchers, who seek to understand how sex influences the development of age-related disease.

Long term action is needed to reduce fossil fuel reliance and cut energy bills

The UK Government’s Spring Budget provided some short-term relief for energy bills, but does not address the longer-term issues of the climate and energy crises.

Why we must end factory farming before it is too late

Why should we end factory farming? The intensely cruel farming process is responsible for extreme animal cruelty, pollution, wildlife extinction and global hunger.

World Backup Day: How to have a data protection strategy

A good data protection strategy is one that allows data to be backed up in a manner that not only protects it but also ensures the ability to rapidly recover.

Climate-clever supply chains: How to make sustainable procurement decisions

Why is sustainable procurement so important? And how can organisations use technology to accelerate their efforts?

Could artificial cells make our future more energy efficient?

Researchers believe energy-generating synthetic organelles could sustain artificial cells and improve energy efficiency.

An analysis of health and welfare in Australia

Open Access Government takes time out to examine some interesting health and welfare issues in Australia.

Cyber attacks increasing by up to 50% in local councils across the UK

Sefton Council has been fighting off over 30,000 cyber attacks a month. While cybercrime increases, so does the need for stronger public sector security.

The Spring Budget: Navigating the potholes ahead

The Spring Budget reported positively on the economic context, with projected trends on inflation, economic growth and debt all going in the right direction.

How to improve security with an employee emphasis

We must improve security because the impacts of human error on cybersecurity can be immense, and one small slip-up can have disastrous impacts.

Advancements in how we identify and treat hypoxic cancers

Cancers that are starved of oxygen, otherwise known as hypoxic cancers, are generally difficult to identify – but medical imaging has taken a new step with the MR-Linac scanner.

Tackling invisible careers: How to expand career options for all students

As young people start to explore their career options, it’s not uncommon for them to feel unsure about what they want to do.

Personalisation: The key to long-term success in organ transplantation

Personalised medicine has become essential in practically every field of healthcare, but tailored medicine is extremely vital when it comes to organ transplantation.

Providing opportunities and empowering women to become #Incharge

The #InCharge movement highlights the steps both education and career services need to make 'empowering women' a reality in the workplace.

2022 – a year unlike any other for EU energy policy

Kadri Simson, EU Commissioner for Energy, explains why 2022 was a year unlike any other for EU energy policy.


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