Open Access News

health equity issues, bioethics

Field of bioethics “largely silent” on health equity issues

A report calls on the field of bioethics to look at racial injustice in the US, especially the impact of neoliberalism on contemporary health equity issues.
social value

Social value: A better investment all round

Paul Styler, Director of Infrastructure Solutions, ETL, argues that social value can be a greater driver for investment over financial gain.
new animal viruses, public health

Scientists predict 4,000 new animal viruses by 2070

Scientists say that 2°C of warming by 2070 could create 4,000 new animal viruses, which could become COVID-level outbreaks.

All people with blue eyes have one common ancestor 

Scientists reveal that a genetic mutation, happening around 10,000 years ago, led to the repression of melanin for humans with blue eyes.

Ivermectin does not stop risk of COVID hospitalisation

According to a large study, ivermectin does not protect virus patients from the risk of COVID hospitalisation - performing the same as the placebo.

Climate change is triggering unexpected glacial movement

Scientists say melting snow and ice, seeping between Arctic glaciers, puts even thick glaciers at risk of sudden collapse from glacial movement.
victims of sexual assault, autistic women

Nine out of ten autistic women are victims of sexual assault

A study finds that nine out of ten autistic women are victims of sexual assault, with over 50% of them aged 15 or younger when first attacked.
blue hydrogen

‘Blue’ hydrogen may be worse than gas and coal, say researchers

Cornell and Stanford University researchers believe blue hydrogen may be harming the climate more than burning fossil fuels
biology of fear, KNT-127

Scientists invent drug that stops the biology of fear

Tokyo researchers reveal how the biology of fear works - potentially changing how PTSD and anxiety are treated in future.
New ichthyosaur

New ichthyosaur fossil said to be largest animal ever found

Researchers have found the largest ever ichthyosaur tooth, with its width being twice as large as any aquatic reptile known
COVID policy in care homes, untested patients

UK COVID policy in care homes ruled “unlawful”

The UK High Court ruled yesterday (28 April) that COVID policy in care homes was "unlawful" - releasing atleast 43,398 untested patients into care homes.

Ozone is heating the planet more than scientists previously thought

NSF Funded research reveals Ozone in the atmosphere has weakened one of the Earth’s main cooling mechanisms.
catch-up programmes in education, literacy gap

Closing the literacy gap via catch-up programmes in education

Andrea Welter, assistant head teacher from Pheasey Park Primary School, explains why successful catch-up programmes in education need to focus on closing the literacy gap.
individualised multimodal immunotherapy, brain cancer

Individualised Multimodal Immunotherapy beyond personalised medicine for brain cancer

Stefaan Van Gool, MD, PhD brings to light the important role of Individualised Multimodal Immunotherapy in improving the survival of brain cancer.
women in literature, non-binary

AI finds men represented four times more than women in literature

Machine learning algorithms have found that men are represented four times more than women in literature, with transgender and non-binary people largely missing.

Accelerating design & manufacture in the eye care sector

Nick Walsh, updates us on the fast-moving developments in the eye care sector, specifically on the design & manufacture of frames for glasses.

5 ways to reduce food waste and live more green

With the UK continuing to send 18 million tonnes of food to landfill, here are some top tips to help you reduce food waste at home
solar energy better than nuclear, mission to mars

Scientists say solar energy better than nuclear energy on Mars

Is solar energy better than nuclear energy? Scientists say solar tech could provide all the power needed for an extended mission to Mars.
european innovation potential, Pan-european innovation

European innovation potential knows no bounds

Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, calls attention to building a pan-European innovation potential ecosystem in health served with top-notch infrastructures.
effects of preeclampsia

Can vitamin D help combat the effects of preeclampsia?

Shona Wilkinson at Nutrigums explains how vitamin D could be the secret weapon to combating the effects of preeclampsia.

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