Open Access News

covid-19 or preeclampsia, severe COVID-19

Blood explains if symptoms are severe COVID-19 or preeclampsia

Pregnant women sometimes have symptoms that could be either severe COVID-19 or preeclampsia - healthcare experts point out that time is of the essence in figuring it out.
Microplastics carrying pathogens, Crypto, land pathogens

Research finds microplastics carrying pathogens into sea

Microplastics carrying pathogens into the ocean via land based parasites are affecting wildlife and human health.
new mammal,

Hundreds of new mammal species are hiding in plain sight

Researchers believe there are hundreds of unidentified species of new mammals that have yet to be found.
multiple sclerosis drug, multiple sclerosis treatment

Ukrainian patients lose access to multiple sclerosis drug trial

Biotechnology giant Roche warns that multiple sclerosis (MS) drug trials are compromised in Ukraine - with patients losing access to crucial treatment.
megafires, forest microbes

Forest microbes that can survive and even thrive from megafires

Research from UC Riverside finds that fungi and bacteria can survive redwood tanoak forest megafires – they can even increase in number after feeling the flames.
impacts of coastal construction

Minimising impacts of coastal construction on bottlenose dolphins

Dolphin Behaviourist and Biostatistician gives insight into the impacts of coastal construction, ensuring quality of coastal life for dolphins
Post-starburst galaxies, star formation

Gas from post-starburst galaxies found in plain sight

Researchers discover rather than expelling it, post-starburst galaxies condense their gas - but the question is, why?
HRT shortages, menopausal women

HRT shortages create severe mental health issues in UK

Menopausal and perimenopausal women in the UK face a significant health issue, as HRT shortages lead to black market alternatives and increased risks of suicide.
loneliness and depression, mental health impact

Loneliness and depression highest in older women during pandemic

Data from 50,000 Canadians finds that loneliness and depression were highest in women aged between 65 to 74, with two-thirds feeling separated from their family.
haemorrhagic fever, ebola vaccine

Ebola haemorrhagic fever outbreak in Democratic Republic of the Congo

A new case of Ebola haemorrhagic fever has been detected in the Democratic Republic of Congo - healthcare experts say "time is not on our side".
advances in forensic science

Four advances in forensic science could change the future

Here are four advances in forensic science that could improve criminal investigation techniques across the globe.
climate change denialism, IPCC report

Twitter bans climate change denial from advertising spaces

Ads which promote climate change denial will be banned from the social media platform, but individual users won't be affected by the change.

Model systems of medicolegal death investigation

Chief Medical Examiner Victor W. Weedn, MD, JD, highlights the ways in which medicolegal death investigation (MDI) systems vary widely in the U.S. and the world.
tiktok algorithm, mental health risk

TikTok algorithm harms mental health via “unrealistic beauty standards”

A study analyses adolescent opinions on the mental health benefits and risks of the TikTok algorithm, like "excessive use" and "unrealistic beauty standards".
fast fashion culture, social media

Social media “influence” accelerates fast fashion culture

Fast fashion culture, though widely disapproved of, is still on the rise as social media companies use it as a marketing ploy for adolescents.
perovskite solar cells, ferrocenes

Researchers improve energy efficiency of perovskite solar cells

Scientists have found a way to push perovskite solar cells to an energy efficiency of 25% - which could eventually lead to a replacement of silicon solar cells.
longest COVID infection, occult covid

Scientists identify longest COVID infection, at 505 days

After a study of immunocompromised patients, UK researchers found the longest COVID infection case to be 505 days.
marine heatwave forecasts, ocean temperatures

Using marine heatwave forecasts to predict ecological impacts

Marine heatwave forecasts could potentially provide up to one year’s notice of changes to ocean temperatures, predicting effects on ecosystems.
child hepatitis outbreak, adenovirus

UK child hepatitis outbreak has “no link” to COVID vaccine

Health authorities find that there is no link between the COVID vaccine and the ongoing child hepatitis outbreak, which continues to spread across the UK.
first child, women's earnings

Women begin to earn less after having their first child

Women’s earnings have been found to decrease following the birth of their first child – but the drop in salary is not applicable to fathers.

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