Dr Fiona MacRae specialises in integrative women's health and bioidentical hormone balancing. She is an expert in bio-identical hormonal replenishment therapy for the Marion Gluck Clinic, which pioneered the use of bioidentical hormones to treat menopause, perimenopause, and other hormone-related issues.
As the demand for eco-friendly solutions continues to grow, landlords face the challenge of looking for ways to change homes to become sustainable properties.
New Prime Minister Rishi Sunak set out his education reforms recently, pledging to improve professional development for teachers and expand the use of AI in classrooms.
Green campuses can be key to higher and further education institutions to achieve the sustainability targets prospective students increasingly look for.
Dr Rhys Morgan, Director of Education and Diversity at the Royal Academy of Engineering, says a broader education for all would be better than just extending mathematics education.
The European Commission has plans to make its clean technology fully European-made, to deliver sustainability agendas with renewable energy in the bloc.
AI offers an opportunity to reimagine our approach to cancer diagnostics, leveraging data to build a more robust and efficient system for cancer referrals.
The Hon. Steven Guilbeault’s prioritises to help reach Canada’s net-zero targets by 2050, as charted here by Open Access Government, including the health angle.
Director & Co Founder Fergus Magennis at Invoka Consulting explores how economic uncertainty is affecting organisations and the public sector, and how digital transformation can help.
Further education institutions have experienced much turbulence since the COVID-19 pandemic, but now more recently, are being hit with funding constraints.