Open Access News

sex-specific research, cardiovascular disease

Health information lacks sex-specific research about women

Current health guidelines are based on studies in men - lacking sex-specific research for issues like obesity, hypertension, and diabetes in women.
Cybersecurity Trends

How US cybersecurity trends can help the UK prepare itself

Sascha Giese, Head Geek™ at SolarWinds, explains how US cybersecurity trends could help the UK navigate future threats.
new COVID treatment, sabizabulin

Powerful new COVID treatment cuts hospital deaths by 55%

So far, there is no treatment for severe cases - but now, clinical trials for a new COVID treatment show immense promise in preventing death.

Over 50% of global population suffer from headache disorders

Study says 52% of the global population are affected by a headache disorder every year, with around 14% reporting migraines.
resource extraction, ecological damage

US and EU responsible for 74% of global resource extraction

Higher-income countries, such as the USA and nations of the EU, are responsible for excess resource extraction of raw materials which has led to ecological damage.
meaningful internet connectivity, gender gap

Report finds gender gap in meaningful internet connectivity

A report by the Alliance for Affordable Internet (AFA) finds that just one in ten people in parts of the Global South have meaningful internet connectivity - with a gender gap existing across all countries.
women in economics,

Only 25% of global senior-level positions held by women in economics

Women are noticeably underrepresented in many academic professions, with a distinct lack of women in economics – particularly in universities.
XE COVID variant, Omicron variant

XE COVID variant 10% more transmissible than Omicron

The World Health Organisation (WHO) say that the XE COVID variant (a mixture of two strains of Omicron) could be 10% more transmissible than Omicron itself.
unregistered children, education

There will be 100 million unregistered children worldwide, by 2030

Obstacles to registering births across Africa has led to millions of unregistered children – potentially preventing people from attaining essential human rights later in life.
temperature on Neptune

ESO telescope captures surprising changes in temperature on Neptune

Using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT), researchers reveal recent changes in the atmospheric temperature on Neptune.
fertility freezing treatments, fertility preservation

NHS patients face “postcode lottery” for fertility freezing treatments

Access to fertility freezing treatments is becoming more scarce, as UK policy guidelines on fertility preservation are rigorous and NHS funding is “variable”.
cancer referrals

Fighting against a Covid tide to deliver cancer referral innovation

PinPoint Data Science is working with the NHS to deliver much needed innovation in cancer referral pathways
tumble drying, microfibres

Reduce air pollution from microfibres by avoiding tumble drying

Tumble drying laundry can worsen air pollution, as it releases vast amounts of possibly harmful microfibres into the air, if not coupled with more eco-friendly methods.
meaningful activities, loneliness

Loneliness can be tackled by finding the ‘flow’ in meaningful activities

Researchers suggest that to combat loneliness, finding activities with the ‘flow’ – engaging deeply in meaningful activities – can increase leisure and reduce loneliness.
inflammation from covid-19, antibodies

Inflammation from COVID-19 can cause multi-organ damage

Severe cases of inflammation from COVID-19 can occur in some people – leading to cases of acute respiratory distress and multi-organ damage.
minority groups, diversity in medicine

Diversity in medicine sees more women, but lacks minority groups in U.S

Diversity in medicine across the U.S is not equal with population changes – while women see gains in representation, minority groups continue to go underrepresented.
star collisions

Star collisions may fuel massive black holes, says new simulation

The DEMOBLACK team have been able to point out a rang out exotic outcomes when concerning the collision of giant stars

Understanding Flaviviruses: Deciphering insect-borne virus strategies

Understanding the infection strategy of mosquito-borne viruses known as flaviviruses is key in the future development of treatments and possible vaccines
covid-19, non-english speaking patients

Non-English speaking patients have 35% higher chance of COVID death

Non-English speaking patients with COVID have a higher likelihood of needing ICU care and dying from the virus, say US scientists.
fueleu maritime regulation, green deal

What is the FuelEU Maritime Regulation?

Constantine Catsambis, Rapporteur for the EESC opinion on FuelEU Maritime, explains how the FuelEU Maritime Regulation could improve the climate.

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