Open Access News

food safety, raw chicken

Food safety: Over 25% of people cook with raw chicken

Over a quarter of study participants contaminate salad with raw chicken – not washing surfaces efficiently or cooking chicken properly can pose great threats to food safety.
black lives matter, racial discourse

Black Lives Matter protests have lasting impact on racial discourse

Black Lives Matter protests bring public attention to incidents of police brutality, and also have shifted racial discourse, increasing interest in anti-racist ideas.
lower salt intake, heart failure

Lower salt intake can reduce symptoms of heart failure

Reducing sodium intake can help patients with heart failure, where having a lower salt intake will not prevent death, but can improve symptoms and quality of life.
employee mental health

Ten ways to protect employee mental health during a global crisis

The last two years created psychological strain, with the pandemic sparking feelings of uncertainty about both professional and personal futures - creating issues for employee mental health.
female childhood trauma, exercise training programmes

Exercise can alleviate health burdens of female childhood trauma

Exercise has been found to lessen cardiovascular and psychological effects of adverse childhood experiences, especially in reducing female childhood trauma.
digital surveillance, COVID-19 pandemic

The institutionalisation of fear: Global digital surveillance with dubious pandemic legitimacy

Regina Surber, PhD Candidate at the University of Zurich and Scientific Advisor to the ICT4Peace Foundation, discusses how digital surveillance is increasing worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
innovation cohesion

Achieving innovation cohesion in Europe

Open Access Government delves into the innovation cohesion priorities of Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, for 2022 and beyond.
sustainable resources

Europe’s ambitions to protect people and the planet through sustainable resources

Open Access Government map out some of European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius’ priorities towards a Circular Economy Action Plan, promoting the use of sustainable resources
sustainability of health systems, european health union

Health policy in Europe and the sustainability of health systems

Megan Warrender, Editor for Open Access Government, illustrates Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides’ priorities in supporting Member States to improve the quality and sustainability of health systems.
women in politics, democracy

The great democratic deficit of women in politics

Gender parity in the public sector remains an essential endeavour: with diversity and inclusion at the forefront of modern politics, we still beg the question, where are all the women?
low-carbon technologies, Innovation fund

European Commission puts €1.1 billion into 7 low-carbon technologies

The Commission signed €1.1 billion of grant agreements, allocated for seven low-carbon technologies which will substantially reduce emissions - within the first ten years.
organic waste, biogas

Unlocking organic waste to get to a greener future, sooner

Robert Dysiewicz, World Biogas Association Advisory Council Member discusses how the transition to a new era of waste management will align with a circular economy,
gut microbiome and personality, fatigue

The gut microbiome and personality: Can food change who you are?

'You are what you eat' has never rung so true, as researchers uncover links between the gut microbiome and personality traits - so, can nutrition change our psychology? 
type 2 diabetes remission, healthy BMI

Study shows 70% of participants achieved type 2 diabetes remission

In a ground-breaking moment, scientists reveal that 70% of "healthy" BMI participants were able to achieve type 2 diabetes remission.
studying in Japan, space exploration

Education equals innovation when studying in Japan

Open Access Government discuss Japan’s focus on supporting young researchers to help achieve the country’s scientific research and development goals when studying in Japan.
spinal injury symptoms, ChABC

Scientists use AI and robotics to repair spinal injury symptoms

A team at Rutgers University have figured out how to regenerate tissue for spinal injury symptoms - using AI and robotics to create therapeutic proteins.
attribution of consciousness, psychedelic drugs

Can psychedelic drugs provide insights to the attribution of consciousness?

Psychedelic drugs have recently been used to treat mental health disorders – now scientists find they can also provide better understanding into the attribution of consciousness.
mortgage lenders, minority groups

Racist mortgage lenders charge 8% higher interest to ethnic minorities

Borrowers from minority groups were charged 8% higher interest rates from mortgage lenders and were rejected for loans 14% more often than those from privileged groups.
laboratory workflow testing, covid-19

Innovative automation supports laboratory testing workflow

Global clinical diagnostics company Novacyt introduce a new automated liquid handling system to meet growing demand for no manual pipetting in COVID-19 PCR testing.
preventing cardiovascular disease, SPICES project

Preventing cardiovascular disease through implementation and participatory research

Hilde Bastiaens, Principal Investigator and Project Coordinator, and Geofrey Musinguzi, Project Manager of Horizon 2020 funded SPICES reveal why engaging with communities is important in preventing cardiovascular disease.

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