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Canada: Cultural spaces, museums and creative professionals

Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.

Detecting and catching microplastics in our tap water using light

Using surface-enhanced Raman scattering, researchers have revealed a new way of detecting and catching microplastics in our tap water, and the key is light.

UK transport sector: Achieving net zero emissions by 2050

Lauren Pamma, Programme Director at the Green Finance Institute, probes how the UK transport sector will achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

Communicating empirically grounded social science research

UK in a Changing Europe, funded by the UK Research and Innovation’s Economic and Social Research Council, explores the importance of communicating empirically grounded social science research.

Financing Britain’s energy transition – the scope and opportunities in solar energy

As war rages in Ukraine and the ensuing energy crisis stoked by Russia’s aggression takes hold, the need for energy independence, such as solar energy, has never been more apparent.

Delivering a more tailored higher education experience

66% of university students want a blend of in-person and online teaching, suggesting that the hybrid approach is best for the higher education experience.

What are 7 of the latest business trends you should follow?

With business owners constantly looking for unique advantages, here are the 7 latest business trends going into the new year.

Privileged access: Understanding security inside out

Mark Warren, Product Specialist at Osirium, explains why privileged access poses security issues in the public sector.

How to manage your business cash flow during a recession

A recession can lead to business cash flow problems in your organisation, here's how you can learn to recession-proof your finances with effective cash flow management.

Why cyber-physical systems security is crucial for state and local governments

Simon Chassar, CRO at Claroty, discusses why cyber-physical systems security is so integral to government in the modern era.

An HPV factsheet – Everything you need to know

HPV is the most common STI in the world, affecting 80% of the population. Here Dr Deborah Lee, from Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, addresses the most common issues about HPV in an attempt to aid in the understanding of the condition

User-centred cyber security for local government

Arnie Armstrong, Cyber Security Principal at Made Tech, explains why a user-centred cyber security approach is vital to local government.

Advanced practice nursing in long-term care

Paul De Raeve, Secretary General of the European Federation of Nurses Associations provides insight into the EU’s advanced practice nursing in long-term care.

How does nuclear energy play a role in our lives?

Michael Good, Associate Professor, School of Sciences and Humanities, at Nazarbayev University, walks us through the topic of nuclear energy and its role in our lives.

Long-term effects of vaping on the cardiovascular system

As vaping becomes increasingly popular, with 3.6 million users in the UK alone, you may be wondering what the long-term effects of vaping on cardiovascular system are.

U.S. rice industry advocates for strong farm bill safety net programmes

Jamison Cruce, Senior Director, Government Affairs at USA Rice details how the U.S. rice industry advocates for strong farm bill safety net programmes.

Mobile Voice and Data Services agreement update

Crown Commercial Service explain enabling the best pricing on core services for the public sector by looking at the Mobile Voice and Data Services agreement update.


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