Open Access News

workplace wellbeing

Championing mental health and workplace wellbeing

Philip Mullen, Managing Director, UK and Europe at LifeWorks, looks at what we can learn from the conversations of elite athletes and how it can be translated into workplace wellbeing.
decriminalise abortions

Latin America takes landmark step to decriminalise abortion in Colombia

Colombia’s constitutional court decriminalises abortion within 24 weeks in monumental step towards Latin American reproductive rights.
EU digital identities

A new world of data privacy with EU digital identities

Lars Rensing, CEO of enterprise blockchain solution provider Protokol, believes that the launch of EU digital identities will allow the EU to make freedom of movement ‘even freer’, and allay concerns around data security by giving EU citizens control over their own data.
healthcare-associated infections 

Healthcare-associated infections: Cleanliness goes hand in hand with safety

John Brill from Nilfisk outlines how strategic cleaning regimes can support the critical need to ensure healthcare environments provide the highest standards of cleanliness in the fight to prevent healthcare-associated infections.
COVID-19 stress and anxiety

COVID-19 symptoms could be driven by stress and anxiety

Since the onset of the pandemic, reports of symptoms such as tinnitus and hearing loss have been potentially linked to COVID-19 however, there may be a psychosocial origin as well.
ESG strategy

COP26: Putting meaning into E, S and G

Fathia Murphy, ESG Product Specialist, NAVEX Global, discusses the importance of understanding what E, S and G means so businesses can recognise their responsibility and be prepared to tackle ESG related issues, as well as how to put effective initiatives in place.
agricultural innovation

Agricultural innovation & its challenges

David Green, Executive Director of the U.S. Sustainability Alliance, highlights agricultural innovation and its challenges, including how the USDA’s NIFA is supporting this policy area.

Combining AI tech with drug development efforts

Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) change the process of drug development for the pharmaceutical industry?
neonatal hypothermia

The Dream Warmer: Effective & safe treatment for neonatal hypothermia

Dr Anne Hansen, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, exposes neonatal hypothermia as a silent killer and discusses what can be done to prevent the condition.
aec sector

Implementing new technologies: Chance for the construction sector to join Industry 4.0

Jose M. Peña - Director of Lurtis Ltd discusses implementing new technologies and argues this is an opportunity for the AEC sector to join Industry 4.0
soil health management, agricultural practices

Real-time soil health management for sustained agriculture practices

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, Frost & Sullivan, turns the spotlight onto continuous and real-time soil health management, which are critical for sustained agriculture practices.
mental health during lockdown, wellbeing lockdown

One in three young people had better mental health during lockdown

While most people experienced worsening mental health during lockdown, a study finds that one in three young people actually had improved wellbeing.
ftse women, women's representation

Almost 40% of FTSE 100 board positions held by women

Becoming second worldwide in women’s representation rankings, the UK has climbed up the FTSE 100 index - from only 12.5% of women on boards, to just under 40%.
unfair inequality, u.s economy

US has second highest level of ‘unfair inequality’ globally

Economists define inequality as unfair if people have unequal opportunities or insufficient resources to make ends meet.
local government evergreen, processes and systems

Local government: The importance of remaining evergreen in processes and systems

Mat Clothier, CEO and Founder of Cloudhouse, discusses the importance of remaining evergreen in processes and systems.
childrens literacy skills, primary schools

Closing the learning gaps in children’s literacy skills

Katy Pinchess, headteacher, talks about how Bentley CE Primary School is identifying and supporting children’s literacy skills to boost confidence as well as reading progress.
ccu emissions, carbon capture

The reality of carbon capture utilisation technology 

Carbon capture technology is mostly marketed as a beneficial solution to the emission crisis, yet the technology in reality uses too much energy.
data uk eu, data flow

2 million terabytes of data will flow from UK to EU, by 2030

The European Data Flow Visualisation Tool says that 2,291,077 terabytes of non-personal data will flow to cloud facilities in Europe by 2030.
autism boys girls, autism symptoms

Diagnostic differences between boys and girls with autism

Using AI, researchers find that brain organisation can differ between boys and girls with autism - because of gender disparities in generally male-focused research.
non-communicable diseases indigenous,

Study finds increase in hypertension for Indigenous communities 

With limited knowledge about how non-communicable diseases affect vulnerable populations, researchers find that indigenous people are unusually affected by hypertension.

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