Open Access News

healthcare worker vaccine, covid-19 vaccination

90% of healthcare workers changed their minds on COVID vaccines

Despite healthcare workers experiencing the negative effects of the COVID-19 virus, many did not intend on being vaccinated – new research highlights that their outlooks have changed.
metastatic breast cancer, immunotherapy

Scientists use tumour-fighting cells to treat breast cancer

An ongoing clinical trial led by the NCI Centre for Cancer Research reveals an experimental form of immunotherapy for metastatic breast cancer.
UK spending deprived areas, levelling up

UK spending in most deprived areas fell by 31% over last decade

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) finds that between 2010 and 2020, UK Government spending for the most deprived areas fell by 31% per person.
paris agreement coral, coral bleaching

Paris Agreement targets are yet to protect coral reefs

The Paris Agreement limited global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, which still has devastating impacts for coral reefs – remaining on track for coral degeneration.
mass customisation fashion, fast fashion

Sustainable fashion is possible, if we embrace mass customisation

To combat mass production in fashion, researchers suggest a shift to mass customisation instead – which could work, if consumers are willing to wait...
unsafe abortion, womens rights

What can be done to protect women from unsafe abortions?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) explains changes are necessary to protect women and girls from the health consequences of unsafe abortions.
WHo working from home, WHO

WHO says working from home creates “blurring of boundaries”

A report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) says working from home can blur the boundaries, with individuals working longer hours than before.
mental health treatment, geography mental health

How is mental health treatment burdened by geography?

People living in urban areas have better access to mental health care, as well as lower costs, than those living in rural areas – generating a crisis of geographical location.
reproductive obesity, endometriosis

Female reproductive disorders may be heightened by obesity

Researchers find a link between obesity, metabolic hormones, and female reproductive disorders - suggesting obesity may elevate the risk.

40% of undiscovered tree species will be found in South America

According to new data, there are 73,274 different species of tree on Earth - with another 9,186 still to be discovered.
uk environmental research, ACCESS

ÂŁ6.25 million for UK environmental science research

ÂŁ6.25 million investment will be invested into creating a five-year programme in UK environmental science research.
Microplastic babies, nanoplastics

Microplastics found in placenta and newborns

Researchers looking at plastics’ connection with pregnancy and children's health, find that placenta can absorb nanoplastics during pregnancy, affecting babies when born.

Research reveals connection between high blood pressure and diabetes

Research is finally explaining the connection between patients suffering with high blood pressure (hypertension) and diabetes
robot laparoscopic surgery, robot surgery

Robot performs laparoscopic surgery without human intervention

A team at Johns Hopkins University created a robot that successfully performed laparoscopic surgery - without human intervention.
planet birth, star death

Astronomers find some stars can still form planets even near death

Astronomers have discovered that stars, even when near death, can possibly still birth planets.
nhs digital alcohol, alcohol misuse

NHS reports 980,000 alcohol-related hospital admissions since 2019

An NHS report of alcohol hospitalisations, alcohol affordability, and prescriptions for drugs to treat alcohol dependence, finds that alcohol misuse is increasing across the UK.
neurophysiological differences

What happens to our brains when we multitask?

The Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience have been shedding light on how health brains are able to multitask while walking
middle age exercise, physical activity

Physical activity improves cognitive function for middle-aged adults

Middle to older aged adults can improve their brain function with daily physical activity, with researchers finding a direct correlation between these variables.
carbon deposits, greenhouse gases arctic

30,000 year-old carbon deposits are thawing in Siberia

Carbon, freeze-locked under ice over 30,000 years ago, is now thawing and being released into the climate as greenhouse gases.

Reducing malnutrition in care homes using AI

Possible new tech could help reduce malnutrition, improving overall health in long-term care homes using Artificial Intelligence

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