Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.
Santosh Rao, Channing J. Paller, Ana Maria Lopez, Eugene Ahn, Jodi MacLeod, Ting Bao, and Linda E. Carlson, from the Society for Integrative Oncology, detail how integrative oncology is transforming cancer care.
Jackie Mellese, Communication Manager at Mental Health Europe, with Mental Health Ireland (MHI), explain how the ‘Short Guide to Personal Recovery in Mental Health’ is perceived.
Researchers have identified circulating microparticle proteins with the ability to predict placenta accrete spectrum cases before their delivery, allowing improved mortality and morbidity for mothers.
Craig Caceci, Managing Director, Terebellum®, walks us through how to overcome the cost challenge of CGT development for rare, orphan and genetic therapies.
Alex Hunter, CEO at Sherwood Power, argues that geothermal energy offers significant potential as a source of low-carbon energy, but there are challenges which must be addressed if the UK is to benefit.
Sandra Gallina, Director General at Directorate-General Sante (DG SANTE), European Commission, explains how the new EU Global Health Strategy steps up the EU’s role to deliver better health.
Mariya Gabriel, the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, looks at education and training to improve education inclusivity across Europe.
Is an education that responds to children’s ongoing brain development, supporting social and emotional development, the key to addressing the youth mental health crisis?
More public bodies are shifting to cloud models, with data sovereignty being one of the key compliance issues they face - but what are the risks of a multicloud environment?
The Aneurin Bevan Health Board has invested in a solar-integrated roof for their newly opened HSDU facility in South Wales, which supports the NHS net zero commitment.
L-Charge aims to accelerate the transition to an electric vehicle future through the deployment of their ultra-fast off-grid EV charging solutions, which use clean fuels such as LNG, Bio-LNG and green hydrogen for onboard power generation.