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CCS announces February agreement updates: New software framework awarded

The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) released its February 2025 agreement updates, revealing a new Back Office Software framework. Extensions to print and audio-visual services were confirmed, while upcoming expirations in health and software require attention.;

Closing the digital divide more rapidly and effectively

Digital connectivity has ingrained itself into our daily life and is now as crucial to businesses and communities as any other utility. That’s why we must begin to close the digital divide.

Digital solutions are key to delivering sustainable medicines

Dr Nazneen Rahman, Founder and CEO of YewMaker and Sustainable Medicines Partnership (SMP) Director describes why digital medicine information is essential for sustainable medicines.

Digital transformation at the point of care

Nicola Hall, the Director NAO Consultancy Ltd discusses the point of care under the advancement of technology and digital transformation.

From geothermal pioneering to energy independency

Iceland’s geothermal pioneering, argues Carine Chatenay, the Marketing Manager for Verkís, has paved the way for energy independence.

Reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases in Africa

Dr Prebo Barango and Prof Jean-Marie Dangou from the WHO Regional Office for Africa argue that reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases in Africa is imperative.

A current analysis of mental health in the workplace

Dr Florence Baingana, Regional Advisor, Mental, Neurological, and Substance Use Disorders, World Health Organization (WHO) African Region, provides an update on mental health in the workplace.

Could heat research pave the way for net zero in the healthcare sector?

Pete Mills, Commercial Technical Operations Manager for Bosch Commercial & Industrial, outlines some of the latest heating technology that could pave the way for net zero in the healthcare sector.

Adaptation to climate change: Local & regional government perspective

Vasileios Latinos, Coordinator – Urban Resilience and Climate Adaptation, ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, European Secretariat, examines the local and regional government perspective of the adaption to climate change.

Understanding the relationship between sex hormones and asthma

Dr Erika Kennington, Head of Research and Innovation at Asthma + Lung UK, says that millions of women are drawing the short straw with too little research exploring the effect of female sex hormones on asthma.

How local government can switch from petrol and diesel cars to electric vehicles

Kevin Welstead, Electric Vehicle Sector Director at SSE Energy Solutions, explains why action from local councils is essential to shift vehicles from petrol and diesel to electricity.

Improve multiple sclerosis treatment in the UK

Phillip Anderson, Head of Policy at the MS Society UK, describes the need to improve multiple sclerosis treatment, care & support, including access to disease modifying therapies.

EV infrastructure strategy: making electric vehicles fair & affordable for all

Dr Vincent Thornley, Managing Director of Fundamentals Ltd., explores who should pay to power electric vehicles as the market continues to evolve under the EV infrastructure strategy.

Sustainable eyewear and eye care through procurement

Antonia Chitty, Head of Communications and IT at the Association of British Dispensing Opticians, provides insight into sustainable eyewear and eye care procurement.

Increasing blood-brain barrier permeability with Acoustic Cluster Therapy (ACT®) to enhance drug delivery in the brain

Despite the rising incidence of Central Nervous System diseases worldwide, efficient treatment options for neurological disorders remain scarce. Treatment failures are principally associated with the inability of drugs to pass the highly selective Blood-Brain Barrier rather than a lack of efficacy.

Shatter the glass ceiling on your company’s ability to innovate through effective business-university collaborations

Dayna Arnold, Project Manager at Zest Consult, a leading digital technology consultancy, discusses the benefits of business-university collaborations to overcome barriers and boost their innovation capabilities.

Making a step towards greener transportation

VolkerSmart Technologies discuss the necessities of greener transportation, stating that EVCPs will play a major part in tackling the climate crisis.


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