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UKRI launches a £12 Million scheme to strengthen sustainable aquaculture in Southeast Asia

Through UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), the UK Government has announced a £12 million funding scheme to develop sustainable and resilient aquaculture systems across Southeast Asia.

Vulnerable corals can be “rescued” by corals with resistant genotypes

A study finds that disease-resistant corals can help to save vulnerable corals – as genetic diversity improves a coral’s chance of survival.

Freckle Maths: Maintaining momentum in maths

Catherine Magee, teacher of the Year 2021, discusses online learning platform Freckle Maths, maintaining momentum in maths and top tips for bringing joy to the classroom.

Drinking during pregnancy changes baby’s brain

Drinking during pregnancy, even in low to moderate amounts, can change the baby’s brain structure and delay brain development.

1.5 million immigrants to receive permanent residency in Canada to aid economy

The Canadian government have announced their plan to take in 500,000 immigrants annually under permanent residency schemes – but will this benefit Canada’s economic gap?

Supporting science, theology and philosophy research

Open Access Government unpacks the work of the John Templeton Foundation, in supporting research across the sciences as well as in the areas of theology and philosophy.

Climate change: The true possibilities of impact business

Matt Meyer, Chief Executive, Taylor Vinters, uncovers the true possibilities of impact business in light of climate change solutions.

Toxicological research is key to sustaining human health and wellbeing

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, argues that toxicological research is key to sustaining human health and wellbeing .

Protecting against future flu pandemics with the 20-subtype mRNA flu vaccine

Penn scientists develop experimental mRNA flu vaccine to protect against all 20 known subtypes of influenza virus.

Central governments need to bet big on digital public services and data literacy

The efficient delivery of digital public services is a growing priority for central governments in response to evolving citizen needs.

Severe asthma attacks risk doubled following COVID-19 restrictions lift

Adults suffering from asthma had approximately doubled risk of a severe asthma attack after COVID-19 restrictions were lifted in the UK.

Pregnancy, breastfeeding and hormones

Here, Dr Fiona MacRae, Women’s Health & Hormone Specialist at The Marion Gluck Clinic, provides an expert view on pregnancy, breastfeeding and hormones.

The impact of suicide and suicidal behavior

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, explain the impact of suicide and suicidal behavior. Suicide is preventable and no lives should be lost to it.

The next pandemic? UK facing worst bird flu outbreak on record

Christmas is coming, the geese are getting sick, and the world may be three mutations away from the next pandemic: the avian bird flu.

5G and net zero: can the two coincide?

ICT must play its role in decarbonisation, but is there already a link between 5G and net zero infrastructure?

Microbial electrosynthesis: The way forward for biomanufacturing

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, walks us through Microbial electrosynthesis (MES) and ponders whether it is the way forward for biomanufacturing in the chemical industry.

Why local governments need a Total Experience model for service delivery

Local government is all about people. But right now, it’s struggling to deliver the best experience in service delivery for citizens and employees alike.


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