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Sustainable mobility challenges in European cities

Ana Drăguțescu, Head of Sustainable Mobility at ICLEI Europe, discusses how to tackle sustainable mobility challenges in urban areas from the ICLEI Europe perspective.

What happens when you legalise cannabis?

Countries all over the world are debating whether to legalise cannabis; but what really happens when the recreational drug is made legal?

What is reclaimed water and why is it dangerous?

Health risks are associated with reclaimed water that is used for road cleaning, greenfield irrigation and landscape fountains.

Women’s Equality Day – How can tech companies bridge the gender gap?

Today is Women's Equality day and it is no secret that the tech industry is male-dominated or that there are still large disparities when it comes to gender representation.

Looking ahead: What has the pandemic taught us about online access?

Mike Taylor, Senior Accessibility Analyst, Comms and Training Manager at Digital Accessibility Centre, discusses online access and its benefits since COVID.

These four tools could enable the future of AI in healthcare

Craig Rhodes, EMEA Industry Lead, AI for Healthcare and Life Sciences, NVIDIA, argues that just four tools could enable the future of AI in healthcare.

Germany’s professional needs – is education the answer?

Prof Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis, Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI), delves into the perspectives of Germany’s professional needs, including if education provides a solution to this.

Governance in the not-for-profit sector

Erika Eliasson-Norris, Founder and CEO of Beyond Governance, discusses with her team governance in the not-for-profit sector.

Top considerations for a successful healthcare data strategy  

A healthcare data strategy is crucial to ensuring that we can tackle all the biggest health issues we face, and to ensure guided decision-making to save lives.

Resilience: What can be learnt from the national response in Ukraine?

Resilience is the ability to prepare for and adapt to changing conditions - what can the UK learn from Ukraine's national response to war?

The dawn of a cyber-physical internet

Philip Young, Director of Policy, Research & Strategic Engagement, Digital Catapult, argues that we’re at the dawn of a cyber-physical internet. Governments globally must lead the way, he says.

Greenland’s Indigenous population supports sand extraction

Greenland's Indigenous population supports sand extraction and exports amid a rapidly growing global demand for these resources.

Viewing the universe: The “incredible” auroras of Jupiter

It seems every week the magic of the James Webb telescope grips us all again, viewed in unprecedented detail the telescope has revealed the giant storms, moons, rings and auroras of Jupiter.

Why government must heed real-time data management trends

Real-time data is the lynchpin for any progressive government, enabling it to improve efficiency, enhance operations and communications, provide improved services for citizens, uncover fraud and lower the risk of cyberattacks.

What behavioural economics has to offer to the NHS

At the centre of behavioural economics is an understanding that people do not always make rational decisions - here's how it could help the NHS.

How can policymakers address global safety issues?

Over one-third of people feel less safe than they did five years ago - why is this and what can policymakers do to address global safety issues?

Hybrid working is here to stay – now secure your workforce

The rise of hybrid working has enabled greater flexibility for employees, laying bare a wealth of opportunities for organisations.


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