North America Analysis

Open Access News

hiv risk transgender

The disproportionate risk of HIV amongst the transgender community

A new study estimates HIV disproportionately affects trans feminine women, with 20% of trans feminine individuals being positive with the virus, highlighting the need for prevention efforts and appropriate sex education.
cx digital transformation

The right tools for public sector CX digital transformation

Chris Merricks from CX Consultants stresses the importance of choosing the right tools for public sector CX digital transformation.

Artificial Intelligence solutions for healthcare delivery

Chaith Kondragunta, CEO at AIRA Matrix Private Limited, details Artificial Intelligence-based solutions that can positively impact prostate cancer outcomes.
food allergies

Food allergies: An epidemic in the making?

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, sheds light on food allergies and considers if this is an epidemic
circular plastic model

Transforming plastic use with a circular model

New research provides a model of the global scale of plastic development, tracing where it’s produced, where it ends up, and its environmental impact.
accelerate wound healing

Could replicating blood plasma accelerate wound healing?

New research indicates the potential to heal wounds may be assisted by replicating the plasma in blood through 3D printing to repair damaged tissues.
heating system

The impact of green heating in a clean, liveable city

Kristoffer Böttzauw, Director General, Danish Energy Agency, explores the impact of green heating in a clean, liveable city If you take a stroll in the...
HIV medication women

How can preferred HIV medication disproportionately impact women?

A new study on HIV medication treatment discovered persistent disparities between sex and age, potentially subjecting women to worse HIV treatment outcomes on the drug dolutegravir.
battery calorimeters

Battery venting gas analysis using battery calorimeters & gas chromatography

Dr Carlos Ziebert, Head of IAM-AWP’s Calorimeter Center, KIT, explains how venting gases of batteries can be collected and analysed In addition to the achievable...
mental health post pandemic

Let’s Get Digital: Supporting the Nation’s Mental Health in a Post-Pandemic World

Tim Barker, CEO at Kooth discusses the crucial role digital solutions will play in the post-pandemic recovery, particularly regarding mental health.
sustainability education

Sustainability education starts in early years: Grounding ecological lifestyles and ‘glocal’ mentalities

Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Director and Professor in Early Childhood Pedagogy, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, discusses why grounding ecological lifestyles and ‘glocal’ mentalities in early years is key to sustainability education.
empathy, philosophy

How Does it Feel? Interpersonal Understanding and Empathy

Thomas Schramme, Professor of Philosophy at University of Liverpool, considers the important function of empathy in understanding others.
mobile networks

Computing: Environmental impact of mobile networks

Professor at the University of Padova, explains what we need to know about taming the environmental impact of mobile networks through GREENEDGE computing
sexual health of teens, HIPteens

Sexual risk-taking & mental health issues in adolescent females – an urgent call to...

Dianne Morrison-Beedy, PhD, RN, FNAP, FAANP, FAAN and Bernadette Melnyk, PhD, APRN-CNP, FNAP, FAANP, FAAN, issue an urgent call to action when it comes to combatting sexual risk-taking and mental health issues in adolescent females.
miRNAs in brain cancer therapy

miRNAs in brain cancer therapy – Mighty things from small beginnings grow

Dr Hernando Lopez-Bertoni at the Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins School of medicine, discusses the development of miRNAs in brain cancer therapy
rapid detection viruses

Test kit created for rapid detection of viruses has 95% accuracy

A device created to identify viruses in humans, like COVID-19, has sustained 95% accuracy in results, as a significant improvement over the current rapid tests available.
antarctic fish

Behavioural adaptations in fish may help them adapt to Ocean warming

Virginia Tech scientists are showing the resilient nature of cold-water fish in the face of climate change and rising ocean temperatures
Antarctic seawater samples

Identifying microplastics in Antarctic seawater samples

Research has identified how microplastics are being found in the Antarctic, by testing seawater samples they found that paint and varnish are the most prominent source of microplastics in the region's sea.
biodegradable glass

Smart biodegradable devices that vanish when they need to

Dr Chang-Soo Kim, Professor at Missouri University of Science and Technology, enlightens us on smart biodegradable devices that vanish when they need to
chemical exposure health

Study finds how chemical exposure affects our health

Researchers have found a method to ascertain how pollutants and other chemicals we are exposed to affect our body and health, by discovering whether a substance has biological effects in an organism.

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