North America Analysis

Open Access News

preventative care

Embracing women’s health data to re-shape preventative care

Dr Nighat Arif, a GP and Specialist in Women’s Health, argues that embracing women’s health data will re-shape preventative care
greener shopping initiatives

Transport for London promotes greener shopping initiatives

TfL is encouraging shoppers and retailers around London to adopt greener initiatives to reduce emissions, including using click and collect, green delivery slots and grouping deliveries.
digital identity trends

Top 5 digital identity trends injecting trust back into governance

Here, Robert Zapfel iov42 Founder, outlines the top 5 digital identity trends that are injecting trust back into governance and enterprise
planting trees funding

£12 million funding for planting trees across England

Over a quarter of a million trees are to be planted across England in an urban greening project towards natural regeneration awarded as part of National Tree Week.
period poverty schools

Tackling period poverty in schools and colleges

The government has extended their scheme to provide free tampons, pads, and menstrual cups to ensure the accessibility of safe sanitary products for people in education.
men skin cancer

The rise of men with skin cancer: Raising awareness

We spoke to Dr Paul Banwell about the rise of men with skin cancer and how it’s vital to talk about it and raise...

TUBB4A-associated leukodystrophy

Dr Dan Williams, SynaptixBio CEO, discusses the search to find the first treatment for one of the world’s rarest diseases, TUBB4A-associated leukodystrophy
Seabird conservation food

Seabird conservation: following food from fishing boats

As seabirds’ food security is threatened by human activity, new research in Ireland has found that birds with tracking devices have been follow fishing vessels for food.
mental illness psychedelics

Treating mental illness with psychedelics

To try find better solutions to mental health problems across the U.S., researchers looked at drugs to combat mental illness in mice, with results already transpiring from just one dose.
covid-19 infection prevention

COVID-19 infection prevention: Resource-restricted setting focus

Zisis Kozlakidis and Dewi Nur Aisyah, explain the renewed focus on resource-restricted settings when it comes to COVID-19 infection prevention
funding preventing suicide

£5 million funding to services preventing suicide

To help meet the increased demand from the pandemic, the government has funded £5 million to services to prevent suicide, including charities, NHS and social care staff, and high-risk groups.
charities vaccine

The UK health charities advancing vaccine uptake

Health charities have come into collaboration with the government and the NHS to promote and advance vaccine update, as UK hits its next milestone in the vaccine rollout.
urban trees

Land surface temperatures heavily influenced by urban trees

A recent sudy in the Nature Communications Journal has shown the influential way urban trees continue to affect the surface temperature of European cities.
HIV healthcare

Planning HIV healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa with maps

A new study focuses on HIV data in sub-Saharan Africa, analysing the number of people living with HIV in 47 countries, the population distribution, and the locations of healthcare facilities.
three-step framework

The three-step framework for biodiversity action

Scientists propose a three-step post-2020 framework for global biodiversity goals for governments to implement on a national level.
covid-19 algorithm

The algorithm predicting COVID-19 patients in need of intensive care

An algorithm can predict the severity of COVID patients' illnesses depending on how many of them will be highly likely or unlikely to need intensive care or ventilation.
distillery decarbonisation

The £11.3 million investment toasting to distillery decarbonisation

To decarbonise UK distilleries, the government has granted £11.3 million in funding to cut emissions from alcohol production.
bats Southeast Asia

Related coronaviruses found in bats around Southeast Asia

Scientists have identified coronaviruses related to SARS-CoV-2 from bats sampled in Cambodia, suggesting SARS CoV-2 has a much larger geographic distribution than previously assumed.
alcohol atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation commonly triggered by alcohol consumption

Latest study shows people may be able to reduce their risk of atrial fibrillation by avoiding certain triggers like alcohol, in consideration of other lifestyle factors.
industries drinking water

How industries are affecting access to safe drinking water

An analysis considers the impacts of large-scale agriculture and industries on the human right to drinking water, advocating for the access to safe water for all.

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