North America Analysis

Open Access News

the bioeconomy, glycoscience

Glycoscience: One of the key enablers for the bioeconomy

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, argues that glycoscience is one of the key enablers for bioeconomy.
ESO black hole, VLT

ESO finds black hole in star cluster outside Milky Way

The European Southern Observatory (ESO) have found a black hole outside the Milky Way, roughly 160,000 light-years away from Earth.
RNA viruses, chapel hill

What is a virus? An exploration for middle school students

Ann Matthysse, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina, explores what exactly a virus is, with a specific focus on RNA viruses and SARS-CoV-2.
future of higher education, higher education

A risky future for Europe’s universities

European University Association President, Michael Murphy, and Senior Policy Coordinator Thomas Jorgensen, discuss the changing future of higher education across Europe.
brain research in europe, european research council

Prioritising brain research in Europe

Frédéric Destrebecq, Executive Director at European Brain Council, explains the importance of prioritising brain research in Europe today.
vaccine hesitancy in black communities, housing insecurity

Study connects housing insecurity to vaccine hesitancy in Black communities

Research by Augusta University, published in Vaccines, found that housing insecurity is connected to vaccine hesitancy in Black communities - especially when it comes to the younger population.
UK COVID infections, vaccination

Scientists identify highest level of UK COVID infections since 2020

According to the latest data, UK COVID infections are at their highest since May, 2020 - with levels especially high in school-aged children.
sustainable housing, energy

Sustainable housing: Achievable goal or financial nightmare?

Alex Oldman, at Civica, looks at where organisations are on their decarbonisation journey and what’s next for housing.
suicide risk disparities, lgbt adults

Study finds suicide risk disparities in LGBT adults

A study identifies suicide risk disparities amongst lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults, with differences based on sexuality, gender, age, and race.
cancer screening, AI

Artificial intelligence & other cancer screening innovations

General Manager, Hologic UK and Ireland, keeps us up to speed with grasping the possibilities of AI and other innovations in cancer screening
mandatory covid vaccination, NHS staff

UK introduce mandatory COVID vaccination for NHS staff

From April 2022, there will be a mandatory COVID vaccination requirement for NHS staff - currently over 100,000 staff are unvaccinated.
children's eyesight, pandemic

The impact of the pandemic on children’s eyesight

Max Halford, Clinical Lead at the Association of British Dispensing Opticians, discusses the impact of the pandemic on children’s eyesight across the UK.
air-conditioning, global warming

The struggle for air-conditioning in a warming climate

Between 64 and 100 million households in India, Brazil, Mexico, and Indonesia will struggle to acquire aircon units by the year 2040.
USA Rice, china

Rice: The little world traveller

Sarah Moran, Vice President, International from USA Rice, walks us through what we need to know about rice, the little world traveller
cyber security issues, NHS digital

How healthcare stayed cyber-healthy in a pandemic

Toby Griffiths, Head of Innovation and Delivery for NHS Digital’s Data Security Centre, discusses how NHS Digital tackled cyber security issues

The evolving role of telemedicine in epilepsy care

Arun Swaminathan MD, Assistant Professor of Neurology and Epilepsy at the University of Nebraska explores the challenges and benefits of telemedicine following the COVID-19 pandemic.
maternal health, pre-eclampsia

Maternal health: Vitamin D in pre-eclampsia

Dr AlBendar of Clinical Medicine in DOHaD & Founder of The Womb Effect, explains the role of vitamin D in pre-eclampsia in this maternal health focus
access to prep, HIV epidemic

US study finds social bias can influence access to PrEP

A new study, published in AIDS and Behavior, finds that healthcare providers still have some social bias about who should be given PrEP - the HIV prevention drug.
covid-related plastic waste, single use plastics

New ocean model traces COVID-related plastic waste

The pandemic has increased demand for single-use plastics such as face masks, gloves, and face shields – so what happens to COVID-related plastic waste?
suicidal thoughts, adolescents suicidal

Machine identifies suicidal thoughts with 91% accuracy

Researchers have developed a new machine with a learning-based approach to recognise adolescents undergoing suicidal thoughts and behaviour.

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