Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.
Local authorities must look at how they can make their buildings more energy-efficient to drive down costs, stretch budgets further, and make wiser investments.
Using almost $30 million in funding, an all-in-one vaccine is being developed to bring new protection against a range of new and existing coronavirus variants.
July 2022 saw the European Commission’s attempt to spearhead what is known as the new innovation wave with its ‘European Innovation Agenda” placing it at the forefront of deep-tech innovation and start-ups.
Over 6.5 million people in the UK are expected to leave their job in the next year, indicating that those with the poorest job quality are the most likely to have an intention to quit.
69% agree Boris Johnson should resign as leader of the Conservative Party – but after 48 hours and 50 resignations, the Prime Minister has not left without a struggle.