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Canada: Cultural spaces, museums and creative professionals

Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.

Transforming Digital Experiences in Healthcare – Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Transforming digital experiences of one of the biggest and most well-known NHS Trusts in the UK has been at the heart of the website update.

District heating is necessary to repower EU’s heating sector

Carsten Østergård Pedersen, Rune Kaagaard Sørensen and Asbjørn Ebbesen discuss the necessity of district heating to speed up the phasing out of Russian fossil fuels.

The Diamond Jubilee Generation: the borrowed success of the wealthiest generation

As the wealthiest generation in Britain, the Diamond Jubilee Generation's opportunities and government policies vastly differ from generations after them.

Interoperability and integration to future proof healthcare

How VitalHub UK is leading the way in supporting the way to become fully interoperable through digital transformation.

The challenges of global food security – Part 2

Curtis R Youngs, Professor & M.E. Ensminger Endowed Chair of International Animal Agriculture, continues the discussion of the challenges of global food security.

Renewable geothermal energy: A climate champion

Gudlaugur Thór Thórdarson, Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate in Iceland, discusses renewable geothermal energy, which in his opinion, is a climate champion for the clean energy transition.

G-Cloud framework scores £1.5 billion in commercial benefits

The government’s Crown Commercial Services’ G-Cloud framework has improved and cloud-based computing for public sector customers.

Correlation of electrolyte properties, gas formation and heat generation by electrochemical-calorimetric methods

Dr Carlos Ziebert, leader of the group Batteries – Calorimetry and Safety, KIT, explains how electrochemical-calorimetric methods help to establish relevant correlations for improved batteries.

Mental health and perinatal depression in the US

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the lead U.S. federal agency for research on mental illnesses.

Environmental Science Education on the subject of Crayfish (Procambarus Clarkii)

Tokyo NODAI Research Program for Sustainable Agriculture discusses the Environmental Science Education of crayfish.

Recognising the human side of data fabric

Mike Ellis, Managing Director of Finworks, explains what data fabric is and what are its benefits to public organisations and data professionals.

Improving the lives of people with brain disorders

European Brain Council outlines the priorities for the future when it comes to improving the lives of people with brain disorders.

Could technology and innovation in agriculture feed the world?

David Green, Executive Director at The U.S. Sustainability Alliance, argues that technology and innovation in agriculture can feed the world, but if only we let it.

AI-Enabled Assessment of Adult ADHD

Prof Marios Adamou OBE and Prof Grigoris Antoniou discuss the problems and solutions of adult ADHD, using an AI-enabled assessment of data.

Smarter working from a human resources perspective

Micael Johnstone, Strategy and Future of Organisations Expert and Co-Founder of Wading Herons, provides thought leadership on smarter working from a human resources perspective.

EX-PED-LAB- Sustainable designs for Early Childhood Education Professional Development through workshop methodology

EX-PED-LAB is a response to the call for generating scholarly knowledge about exploration as a methodology for early childhood education.


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