This article examines the different routes organisations can take to adopt Kubernetes and how selecting the right strategy can lay the groundwork for sustained growth.
Updates to the Castle Hill Hospital in Hull show that solar powered hospitals may be the next step towards net zero health in the NHS decarbonisation strategy.
Spiralling inflation, rising energy bills and an escalating cost of living crisis have left millions of people struggling to afford basic necessities; could future predictive modelling stop this from happening again.
Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic lager beer drank in moderation can improve gut microbes in men – lessening the chances of developing chronic diseases.
Shai Gordin, Senior Lecturer at Digital Pasts Lab, Ariel University in Israel, provides intriguing insights about reading & deciphering ancient writing systems using AI.
The experts at QuickThink Cloud explain how the ever-evolving threat of cyber attacks are making watertight cloud security more important than ever for public sector organisations.
Charlie Preece discusses Revolution-ZERO’s mission to displace the global single-use PPE and medical textiles market with more effective, economic and sustainable alternatives.
Overruling by the ECHR has left the Rwanda deportation flight grounded in the UK, where asylum seekers are to face longer legal challenges with the Home Office.
The first next-generation European supercomputer to be installed in 2023 is to be operated by Forschungszentrum Jülich – a partner in Germany’s Gauss Centre for Supercomputing.