This article examines the different routes organisations can take to adopt Kubernetes and how selecting the right strategy can lay the groundwork for sustained growth.
Cervical cancer is a disease affecting thousands of women in the UK with around 3,200 new cases diagnosed every year, can developments in cervical screening and digital cytology help?
The first net zero operation has been conducted by surgeons in the NHS – with the patient safely recovering from a keyhole procedure to remove a bowel cancer.
Neil Macdonald, CEO at Thrive, explains how using the Impact Evaluation Standard to report on social value in government contracts can actually lead to far better outcomes for communities and for suppliers.
Dr Helen M Rowe at the Centre for Immunobiology at the Queen Mary University of London looks towards unlocking dark matter for the potential to boost immune responses in humans.
The Imaging and Radiation Oncology Core is part of the U.S. National Cancer Institute’s clinical trial program and provides quality assurance for trials with radiation oncology and/or imaging.
The government’s Roadmap to digital and data involves ambitions to transform digital public services, deliver world-class digital technology and systems, and attract digital talent.
Y-h. Taguchi, a professor at Chuo University, looks toward a COVID-19 infection model which uses human patients blood who have been infected by COVID-19.
Dayna Arnold, Project Manager at Zest Consult, discusses the benefits of using a synthetic data approach to machine learning as an innovative solution for increasing the availability, accuracy & security of more cost effective data.
Looking towards technology within agriculture, smart technologies could soon be harnessed in the farming sector to benefit both businesses and societies.