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Strengthening fraud defences with innovation

Ted Datta from Moody’s explains how to strengthen fraud defences with innovation and collaboration.

UK’s New Procurement Bill to replace 350 EU laws for business growth

A more flexible and simple New Procurement Bill is to replace 350 of the EU’s laws to drive economic growth and open business for SMEs.

Mental health challenges and encouraging help seeking behaviours among rural residents

Lakshmi Mahadevan, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist at Special Populations, looks toward helping rural residents seek appropriate and timely help for mental health challenges.

How can education help to bridge the STEM diversity gap?

Victoria Knight, Strategic Campaigns Director at BAE Systems Digital Intelligence, explores the importance of education in overcoming the STEM diversity gap.

Volunteering is vital to the UK’s environmental and social goals

Volunteering is at the forefront of how the UK can achieve its environmental and social goals, by improving the Net-Zero movement, and holding vast economic significance.

Research reveals that anti-TNF drug reverses Dupuytren’s disease

A clinical trial at Oxford University has found that a drug used for rheumatoid arthritis can reverse Dupuytren’s disease, if taken early on.

How to prevent future cyber incidents in local schools

Despite local schools going online following the pandemic, the cybersecurity threat prevails - here's how to prevent future cyber incidents.

“Transformative experiences” of festivals can help connect humanity

People attending festivals commonly report having transformative experiences – which researchers find to improve connection to humanity and willingness to help others.

First Semi-Industrial Demonstration of Novel Gasification Technology for Biofuel Production

The Horizon 2020 project CLARA, coordinated by the Technical University of Darmstadt, investigates a novel gasification technology to provide sustainable second-generation biofuels for the transportation sector in order to move it towards CO2 neutrality.

Global health worker shortage could deny millions of people healthcare

Over 43 million additional health workers are needed to cover the health worker shortage globally, due to political unrest, violence, and lack of training.

Huntington’s Disease: The Importance of Brain Banking

Dr. James E Goldman and Dr. Osama Al-Dalahmah from the Department of Pathology and Cell Biology at Columbia University, discuss the importance of brain banking from individuals with Huntington’s disease.

Improving the quality of life for people with brittle bone disease: Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Pascale V Guillot, at the University College London, looks toward improving the quality of life for those with Osteogenesis imperfecta, a chronic health condition called brittle bone disease.

Novacyt is powering ahead and tackling emerging health concerns

Empowering employees and examining emerging health threats in a new strategy for business growth is Novacyt CEO David Allmond’s mission in the weeks ahead.

Boosting commercial capability with the Contract Management Pioneer Programme

The Contract Management Pioneer Programme is boosting commercial capability across the public sector, Crown Commercial Service writes.

11 years on: Cancer patients sue operator for Fukushima disaster

Tokyo court hearings are underway for almost $5 million in damages, for six individuals who developed thyroid cancer as a result of the Fukushima disaster.

Searching for a novel marker of preclinical Alzheimer’s disease

Research suggests that multisensory integration could be used as a novel marker for preclinical Alzheimer’s disease given reported associations between magnitude of visual-somatosensory integration and important cognitive and motor outcomes.

Why technology is key to a more sustainable public sector

Creating a sustainable public sector requires going net zero, instilling a circular economy, and increasing assurance in the supply chain.


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