North America Analysis

Open Access News

Tobacco dependency: Treat it like any other illness

Sarah MacFadyen, Vice Chair of the Taskforce for Lung Health and Head of Policy and External Affairs at Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation, says it’s time that tobacco dependency was treated just like any other illness.
food production regions, climate change

Carbon emissions to destroy one-third of food production regions

If greenhouse gas emissions continue as they are, scientists warn that the climate shift will destroy one-third of food production regions on Earth.
SARS-CoV-2 variant

Global bioinformatics surveillance: SARS-CoV-2 variant detection tests

Shiao Yee, Marketing Communications Manager, Novacyt Group, discusses how global bioinformatics surveillance drives innovation in SARS-CoV-2 variant detection tests.
alien life on other planets, organism

Scientists use new strategy to identify ‘alien’ life on other planets

When it comes to finding 'alien' life on other planets, scientists have a new theory - that extraterrestrial life is completely different to Earth-life, so finding biosignatures may not be as important as previously thought.
health technologies

Building readiness for innovative health technologies

Senior Researcher in Social Science Michael Morrison explains why disruptive technologies need institutional and systemic readiness to truly realise the benefits of healthcare innovation.
plate tectonics, zircons

Scientists estimate plate tectonics begun 3.6 billion years ago

Scientists have found new evidence that modern plate tectonics begun roughly 3.6 billion years ago - a key feature of planet Earth's unique ability to support life.
muslim population covid, covid india

Study says 66% of Indian public blame Muslim population for COVID

Researchers at Monash Business School surveyed the Indian public in Uttar Pradesh, finding that 66% blame the Muslim population for the spread of COVID.
effects of sleep deprivation

The effects of sleep deprivation on your skin

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explores the effects that sleep deprivation can have on your skin.
12-15 year olds, pfizer vaccine

Pfizer vaccine can be given to 12-15 year olds in US

On Wednesday (12 May), the CDC announced that the Pfizer vaccine could now be given to 12-15 year olds - effective immediately for 17 million adolescents.
transforming citizen engagement

What lasting legacies of COVID-19 will local government take forward?

Lorraine Smith, Divisional Managing Director at Civica, discusses how the pandemic has not only re-shaped local government when it comes to new ways of working but also in transforming citizen engagement.
Online Safety Bill

Online Safety Bill fails to protect society’s most vulnerable from malicious scammers

Charlie Shakeshaft, CEO of Individual Protection Solutions, reacts to the new Online Safety bill, acknowledging the pros and cons, and what more needs to be done by the government to ensure people are adequately protected online.
genetic resources, legume

INCREASE: Intelligent Collections of Food Legumes Genetic Resources for European Agrofood Systems

Here, we learn how EU research project INCREASE offers a participatory research approach to characterise genetic resources in food legumes.
vaccine rollout

Communication strategies are critical for vaccine rollout

Adam Enterkin, Global SVP Sales at BlackBerry, explores the critical role of secure crisis communications for the vaccine rollout and the value of a communication strategy to combat misinformation.
recovery and growth, banks

Financing recovery and growth  

Christian Keuschnigg, Professor of Economics at the University of St. Gallen, explains how credit reallocation of banks boosts innovation and growth by steering capital to more productive use.
Arctic environmental data

Hack the Arctic: Transforming data into solutions as a community

Stephany Mazon from the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research at the University of Helsinki, discusses how the ‘Hack the Arctic’ hackathon is making use of Arctic environmental data.
cervicogenic headaches

Unravelling the mystery of cervicogenic headaches

Rob Sillevis, Program Director for the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at the Marieb College of Health & Human Services Organisation dissects the potential causes and effective management of cervicogenic headaches.
clean energy technology, electric vehicles

Clean energy technology demand will quadruple need for critical minerals

Supplies of critical minerals essential for key clean energy technologies like electric vehicles and wind turbines, will need to increase significantly over the coming decades to meet the world’s climate goals.

Championing paper-light solutions in healthcare

Chris Norton, Managing Director, InterSystems UK & Ireland, argues that a paper-light, data-driven, and energy-efficient approach plays a key role in delivering sustainability while aligning with the NHS Long Term Plan to take a digital approach.
struggling businesses

Options for struggling businesses in the aftermath of COVID-19

John Bell, director and founder of Clarke Bell, ponders the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and what options struggling businesses could be facing in the coming months and years ahead.
antibody deficiencies

Study examines immune responses to COVID in patients with antibody deficiencies

A new study aims to explore the immune response to COVID-19 infection and vaccination in patients with antibody deficiencies.

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