North America Analysis

Open Access News

citizen experience, emerging tech

Citizen experience: Frictionless operations to improve people’s lives 

When rethinking service transformation, the focus should be on reshaping - Christopher Sly, AVP, Digital Transformation, HGS UK, explains why knowing the limitations to emerging tech reshapes a far greater value story.
innovate agriculture

Supporting EU Member States to innovate agriculture

Here, Open Access Government discusses how the European Commission is supporting its Member States in creating a sustainable and resilient agricultural sector.
depression and bipolar disorder, blood biomarkers

Scientists create blood test for depression and bipolar disorder

Indiana University of Medicine researchers spent four years developing a blood test to identify depression and bipolar disorder - they say this work will bring psychiatry from "the 19th century into the 21st".
air travel

Airbus: On the path to sustainable air travel

Here, Open Access Government learns about the climate impact of aircrafts and how Airbus is on a committed journey towards sustainable aviation.
STI prevention, STI

Why does the U.S. need an STI National Strategic Plan?

Open Access Government discusses STI prevention in the U.S., and the benefits and priorities of the STI National Strategic Plan 2021-2025.
addressing health inequality

A long-term collaborative approach to addressing health inequality

Christine Hancock, Founder and Director at C3 Collaborating for Health, discusses the ongoing issue of health inequality that COVID-19 has exposed, and how to ensure healthy lives for all.
removing statues, white supremacy

Archaeologists say removing statues will not “erase history”

Archaeologists say that the role of racism in "history-making" is still present and that removing statues does not risk erasing history.
nappy and wipe waste

Why the UK Government must do more to tackle the issue of nappy and...

Laura Crawford, Founder of Mama Bamboo, discusses why it is important for the Government to take action against nappy and wipe waste.
U.S. Astronomical sciences

U.S. Astronomical Sciences: Ensuring scientific excellence for all

Open Access Government discusses how the U.S. NSF’s Division of Astronomical Sciences continues to break boundaries in research and discovery, yet remains conscious of...
Norway’s healthcare sector

Norway’s healthcare sector: Prioritising digital solutions in 2021

Open Access Government discuss how the Norwegian Minister for Health and Care Services, Bent Høie has navigated his ministries response to the COVID-19 crisis, and his priorities for 2021.
healthcare workers, COVID

Over 50% of healthcare workers report one symptom of PTSD

The US is facing a fourth wave of COVID-19, as emergency healthcare workers across the country continue to face the virus and experience levels of burnout that can lead to PTSD.
mobile app acceleration

Mobile app acceleration during the pandemic

Mike Rhodes, CEO of ConsultMyApp, discusses what businesses must do to leverage their mobile apps/digital brand and survive in a post-covid era.
outsourcing technology

Brexit and COVID-19 will combine to cause an outsourcing boom

Richard Leslie, CEO, The Sourcing Hub, discusses why the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit could create a boom in outsourcing technology development.
COVID transmission, surfaces

Center for Disease Control says surfaces “low-risk” for COVID transmission

New CDC guidelines suggest that surfaces are a "low-risk" for COVID transmission - cleaning surfaces with detergent or soap once a day should be enough to reduce possible virus levels.
uk cleaning up

How is the UK cleaning up its energy?

Open Access Government discuss UK Energy Policy and the priorities that the Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP has set out for 2021 in his new role as Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.
integrated care

A year with COVID-19: What has healthcare learnt?

Chris Norton, Managing Director, UK & Ireland, InterSystems, discusses the NHS’ current challenges, integrated care efforts, and the ways data and technology can be harnessed to inform care today, and in a post-COVID world.
late blight disease, genetic

Defeating late blight disease of potato in sub-Saharan Africa

Three academic experts, including Richard E. Goodman from the Food Allergy Research and Resource Program, shed light on defeating late blight disease of potato in sub-Saharan Africa, starting with a brief introduction to the crop in question.
mild covid-19 infection

1 in 10 suffer long-term effects 8 months after mild COVID-19 infection

According to a new study, by researchers at Danderyd Hospital and Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, 1 in 10 people still experience symptoms of COVID-19 8 months after infection.
climate change adaptation

Cities: Climate change, transport and beyond COVID-19

Jonathan Miles, Editor of Open Access Government, charts the importance of climate change adaptation, the impact of lockdown, transport and the environment in Europe, as highlighted by Eurocities.
700,000 astrazeneca, australia

Over 700,000 AstraZeneca doses sent from UK to Australia

Today (8 April) it was revealed that over 700,000 AstraZeneca doses manufactured in the UK are being sent to Australia - with a confirmed 300,000 vaccines in Sydney at the end of February.

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