Open Access News

under antarctic ice shelves, ice shelves

Scientists find “strange creatures” 900 metres under Antarctic ice shelves

Researchers dug a bore hole 900 metres into the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, where they found something unexpected - "strange creatures" living in those -2.2°C depths.

Covax will protect millions of Pakistanis against COVID-19

The global vaccine facility Covax will help Pakistan’s vaccination programme protect millions of Pakistanis against COVID-19.
use of contraception

Can COVID-19 affect the use of contraception?

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic can affect the use of the pill, the contraceptive patch and the vaginal ring.
elevated anxiety, adult

Researchers identify young adults who are facing elevated anxiety

The study looks at behaviour traits at the age of 15, that signal if individuals could be at risk of elevated anxiety three years in the future.
plastic packaging projects

Plastic packaging projects receive £16 million from UKRI

UKRI has opened up a new £16 million funding competition for projects to develop sustainable solutions to plastic packaging challenges.
side effects of the astrazeneca vaccine, covid

What are the side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine?

Here, we use science to dissect some of the rumours about the side effects of the AstraZeneca and Oxford University vaccine.

Tocilizumab reduces deaths in hospitalised COVID-19 patients

A new trial has found that tocilizumab, an anti-inflammatory treatment, reduces the risk of death in patients hospitalised with COVID-19.
data and technology

How governments can build on the use of data and tech in fighting COVID-19

George Atalla, EY Global Government & Infrastructure Leader, explores the effect that COVID-19 has had on the use of data and technology in healthcare.
work is flexible

The future of work is flexible

Scott Erwin, CEO and Founder of HireHand, explores the future of flexible working and how businesses may approach their staffing post-pandemic.
creating AI, robot

Scientists are creating AI that can detect “anger or fear” in a public area

Korean scientists are creating an AI called 5G-I-VEmoSYS, which can read human emotions via wireless signals and body movement.
drug markets

COVID-19 and drugs in the European neighbourhood partnership countries

The EU drugs agency explores the impact of COVID-19 on drug markets, use and services in the European neighbourhood partnership countries.
incurable childhood cancer, DIPG

Scientists identify possible drug to fight incurable childhood cancer

Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) is an incurable childhood cancer that has no effective treatment - but now, scientists in Australia believe they have found a drug that could begin to treat this cancer.
global dust emissions

Climate change and the dust environmental impact in the Middle East and North Africa

Professor Georgiy Stenchikov, Chair of Earth Sciences and Engineering Program at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), explains how MENA accounts for more than half of global dust emissions, and the immense strain on the environment dust can cause.
excess deaths, trump

Scientists suggest that former President Trump caused 461,000 excess deaths

The Lancet report is out today (11 February), which suggests that former President Trump's policymaking created an excess of "461,100 deaths" - before the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States.
housing association

What does the UK’s Housing Association bring to the Economy?

Here, Believe Housing, explain what benefits the UK's Housing Association can bring to the UK economy.
unpredictable stress, neuron

The experience of unpredictable stress could trigger depression

Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia have found a potential connection between the experience of unpredictable stress and the function of neurons that can trigger depression.
Boost your well-being

Boost your well-being with U.S.- grown rice

Cameron Jacobs from the USA Rice Federation tells us you can boost your well-being with U.S.- grown rice.
working from home during covid-19

HR: Working from home during COVID-19

Helen Watson, Head of Employment Law at Aaron & Partners Solicitors, explores the issues around working from home during COVID-19 in this human resources focus.
control over NHS, white paper

New white paper will give Government more control over NHS

The legislative changes in the white paper released today (11 February) include giving local and central Government more control over the NHS - which is expected to be implemented in 2022.
the green economy

The green economy & green investments

Gavriel Landau, Founder and CEO of Charm Impact, speaks to Open Access Government about the green economy, including the enabling of green investments.

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