Open Access News

water from different planets, clathrate hydrates

Scientists analyse water from different planets to understand their secrets

Researchers are now looking at the crystalline solid form of water from different planets, to understand how planets, satellites and even comets evolved.
an unborn baby, generational trauma

Generational trauma can change the brain circuitry of an unborn baby

Scientists have found that mothers who have suffered childhood trauma can pass this memory down to an unborn baby - scans showed altered brain circuitry in young children.
air purification technology

Active air purification technology can safely disinfect indoor spaces

Andrew Hobbs, CEO of Better Indoors, is currently engaging parliamentarians to discuss the need to utilise air purification technology to safely disinfect the air and surfaces in indoor spaces.
mild COVID-19

Ivermectin effective in reducing mild COVID-19

A new study has found that early administration of ivermectin can reduce viral loads and symptom duration in patients with mild COVID-19.
move the tropical rain, rain

Climate change will move the tropical rain belt by 2100

Researchers at the University of California found that climate change will move the tropical rain belt by 2100 - significantly impacting the food security of billions.
drug combination

New drug combination effective in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treatment

Scientists have identified two drugs that are effective in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treatment when combined.
first dose

Over 4 million people receive first dose of COVID-19 vaccine

More than 4 million people have now received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in the UK, according to the latest statistics.
politics GCSE, political literacy

Three quarters of young people want a Politics GCSE

After a year of unprecedented politics, a new APPG on Political Literacy has launched - from Brexit to Black Lives Matter, young people appear to be highly politically engaged without any formal support in schools.
Peer support leader

Peer support leader programmes help teens with anxiety and depression

According to a new national poll, 1 in 3 parents strongly encourage schools having peer support leader programmes for their child's mental health.
bullying and harassment

Bullying and harassment: HR’s role within the virtual world

Richard Peachey, Head of Business Development at CMP and Andy Shettle, Chief Product Officer at Selenity, explore the impact that remote working has had on bullying and harassment cases during the pandemic, and how employee relations teams can ensure staff wellbeing is a top priority.
care staff

Social care sector to receive further £120 million for additional care staff

The Government has allocated a further £120 million for the social care sector to help with staff shortages due to the pandemic.
eliminate microplastics, laundry

Scientists find new way to eliminate microplastics from water

They found that electrolytic treatment of wastewater can literally eliminate microplastics - other methods simply separate microplastics from water, creating the problem of unwanted leftovers.
imaging database

New AI imaging database will improve COVID-19 diagnosis

Artificial intelligence (AI) will help speed up treatment and improve outcomes for patients hospitalised with COVID-19.
hearing the dead, communication

Researchers explain the science behind “hearing the dead” 

According to Durham University, mediums who are "hearing the dead" can have a history of unusual auditory experiences - they are more likely to experience absorption, which is linked to altered states of consciousness.
uk funded research

UK funded research essential to get vaccines to the poorest in the world

Professor Melissa Leach, Director, Institute of Development Studies, discusses why UK funded research is important for a successful COVID vaccine roll-out to the poorest and hardest to reach.
interest rates

Will negative interest rates jeopardise Britons’ financial futures?

John Ellmore, Director of NerdWallet, explains what negative interest rates could mean for savers, and the steps they can take to make their money work harder, in spite of the testing economic climate.
long COVID, severe

Scientists use immune system to predict likelihood of long COVID

Cambridge researchers have published their findings on how the immune system could be an early clue for the later development of severe or long COVID.
Over 70s

Over 70s will begin to receive COVID-19 vaccine today

People aged 70 and over and those clinically extremely vulnerable will be invited to get their COVID-19 vaccinations from today.
essential bills

Guidance for households struggling to pay essential bills

The UK Government has outlined guidance for those concerned about paying utility bills or repaying credit cards, loans or mortgages due to the impact of coronavirus.
COVID-19 mutations, consortium

UKRI funds new project to investigate COVID-19 mutations

An initial £2.5 million will launch the 'G2P-UK' National Virology Consortium, which will investigate COVID-19 mutations to figure out how they impact vaccines.

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