Open Access News

kisspeptin drug, women

New kisspeptin drug could treat polycystic ovary syndrome

Imperial College London are working on clinical trials of a kisspeptin drug that could treat PCOS, HA and other reproductive health problems.
smallest nanoparticles, technology

Researchers find way to make the smallest nanoparticles visible

Use of a new optical technology will now help scientists to see some of the smallest nanoparticles, measured at 25 nanometres in diameter.

Circular bio‐based industries: Driving Europe’s green recovery

Here, Executive Director at Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) Philippe Mengal maps out what the future holds for the bio-based sector, explaining the numerous benefits of a circular bioeconomy for Europe.
new mineral, battery

Scientists discover a new mineral that could power batteries

Petrovite is the name of the new mineral discovered by scientists at St Petersburg University, a bright blue crystal which could someday provide energy.
face covering

Why wear a face covering during COVID-19? The evidence

Dr Deborah Lee from Dr Fox Online Pharmacy discusses why we need to wear a face covering during the current COVID-19 pandemic, stating the evidence in this illuminating analysis.
synthetic pesticides

Influence of synthetic pesticides on human health and the global ecosystem

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group charts the influence of synthetic pesticides on human health and the global ecosystem.
tropical peatland conservation, COVID-19

Tropical peatland conservation can prevent animal diseases jumping to humans

Scientists at the University of Exeter found that tropical peatland conservation can impact how animal diseases, like the bat-based COVID-19, transfers to human beings.
Financial exclusion

Money troubles: Financial exclusion and COVID-19

Global financial exclusion rates are on the rise thanks to the COVID-19 crisis. Matt Adam, chief executive, We Are Digital, outlines five ways we can solve the world’s money troubles as we head back into lockdown.
salt reduction

Salt: The forgotten pandemic

Mhairi Brown, Policy and Public Affairs Manager for Action on Salt, stresses the need for Public Health England to implement a strict and ambitious salt reduction policy.
working at home

How to help employees stay organised and productive while working at home

Michele Don Durbin, Senior Vice President of Marketing for Evernote, explains how employees can stay productive and get the best out of themselves when working at home.
moderna vaccine, covid-19

Moderna vaccine: New frontrunner is 95% effective against COVID-19

Eight days after the Pfizer vaccine results (90% effective) brought collective hope to the world, the Moderna vaccine has proven to be 95% effective at fighting COVID-19.
loneliness during lockdown, research

49% of young adults in US feel deep loneliness during lockdown

Loneliness during lockdown is one of the most universal afflictions - when researchers studied young adults in the US, they found "alarming" levels of COVID-19 depression.
digital transformation revolution

The digital transformation revolution during COVID-19

Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean, Berlin School of Business and Innovation charts the digital transformation revolution during COVID-19 and why it took so long to get us to the this stage.
medical marijuana

A medical professional’s opinion on medical marijuana

Dr Charlie Easmon from Your Excellent Health Service gives a medical professional’s opinion on medical marijuana in the UK, including comment on hemp, CBD and THC.
marine fish DNA, sediment

Researchers discover marine fish DNA from 300 years ago

Ehime University researchers used samples from Japan to test if marine fish DNA existed in the same place for the last 300 years.
Dementia research in the UK

Dementia research in the UK and COVID-19

Samantha Benham-Hermetz, Director of Policy and Public Affairs at Alzheimer’s Research UK charts us through the priorities for dementia research in the UK in light of COVID-19.
combined heat and power

Energy game-changer: Considering combined heat and power (CHP)

Tim Broadhurst, CCO at CooperÖstlund Ltd, explores the financial and environmental benefits of considering CHP as part of a blended energy programme.
arthritis pain, addictive treatment

New treatment that ‘stuns’ arthritis pain could reduce opiate use

Over 350 million people suffer from arthritis pain globally, which means significant levels of opiates are used to manage the condition - but what if there was a less addictive treatment?

Why supertrawlers have no place in the UK’s marine protected areas

Chris Thorne, Oceans Campaigner at Greenpeace UK explains why supertrawlers have no place in the UK’s marine protected areas.
marine geohazards

Types of marine geohazards investigated in offshore wind farm construction

Gwo-shyh Song, Associate Professor at the National Taiwan University walks us through types of marine geohazards investigated in offshore wind farm construction.

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