A new analysis from the Health Foundation has revealed concerns over the future funding needs of NHS England with warnings of a potential shortfall unless the health service can significantly boost its productivity in the coming years.
A major cyber attack has disrupted public Wi-Fi services at 19 key railway stations across the UK, affecting passengers and causing significant inconvenience.
Natalie Duffield of Inhealthcare discusses the advantages of the company’s virtual wards and advanced remote monitoring technologies in enhancing patient care.
In a groundbreaking study by The Australian National University (ANU) and the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, researchers have uncovered a potential goldmine hidden within ancient volcanoes.
Text, email or letter? Jonty Fletcher, Marketing Manager at Synertec Ltd, focuses on the benefits and challenges of adopting multi-channel communications.
Aiming to tackle the high risk of heart problems among older Americans with obesity, Medicare is contemplating an expansion of coverage for a weight-loss medication known as semaglutide.
The National Health Service (NHS) is encountering significant obstacles in adopting cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) due to its outdated and inefficient IT infrastructure, according to leading experts.
Barry Searle, Managing Director at Intelligencia Training, discusses the cyber security skills gap and the need to align education with industry needs.
Adeem Azhar, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Core Prescribing Solutions, explains how the company’s innovative solutions are helping to tackle challenges within primary care and positively support the healthcare workforce.
The recent election of the Labour government signals a promising shift for the energy efficiency industry, bringing with it a renewed focus on decarbonisation and sustainable growth.