Open Access News

mutation of COVID-19, vaccine

New research explores the mutation of COVID-19

Researchers at the University of Illinois investigated how the mutation of COVID-19 is making the virus stronger.

Sewage tracking could alert to early warning signs of coronavirus outbreaks

A government project, supported by the Natural Environment Research Council and funded by UK Research and Innovation, is using sewage tracking to alert to early warnings of coronavirus outbreaks across the UK.
think about climate change, research

What do Americans really think about climate change?

Climate Insights 2020 assessed 27,661 people across different States, to explore what Americans really think about climate change.
contraception and climate change

What is the association between contraception and climate change?

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explores what the association between contraception and climate change is and how it can save the planet.
harm the ecosystem, land management

Can too much land management harm the ecosystem?

Land management is the way that Indigenous people have maintained a biodiverse world for generations, but now, does climate intervention from too many sources threaten to harm the ecosystem?
Child influencers

Child influencers promote unhealthy food on YouTube channels

Researchers at NYU School of Global Public Health and NYU Grossman School of Medicine have warned against the dangers of child influences promoting unhealthy food and drinks on their YouTube channels.
economic situation

EU citizens place economic situation as top concern

In the latest Standard Eurobarometer survey, European citizens identify the economic situation, the state of Member States' public finances and immigration as the three top concerns.
COVID-19 in new york, pandemic

COVID-19 in New York: The outbreak came from atleast 109 sources

Researchers have investigated the origins of COVID-19 in New York - from the sources that started the infection, to how it spread through the population.

Bioplastic is no safer than conventional plastic, according to new study

A new study, published in Environment International, has found that bioplastics are just as toxic as conventional plastics, despite its many benefits.
depression anxiety and heart disease, cambridge

Depression, anxiety and heart disease connected via same brain region

Researchers at Cambridge University found that over-activity in one brain region links depression, anxiety, and heart disease.
prescribed the wrong drugs, hospital

US healthcare: 34% of older people could be prescribed the wrong drugs

A new study found that it costs patients over $450 a year when they are prescribed the wrong drugs, making them twice as likely to go to hospital.
poorer women in bangladesh, worker

Poorer women in Bangladesh fear bribes are required to access healthcare

Holding conversations in the slums of Dhaka, researchers found that poorer women in Bangladesh feared making "undocumented payments" as a necessity of accessing maternity healthcare.
animal food

Food waste will be transformed into animal food under UKRI-back project

A new project backed with £5.9 million from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) will convert food waste into animal food using insects and carbon-cutting technology.
GP consultations

Are remote GP consultations here to stay?

Dr Owain Rhys Hughes, founder and CEO of Cinapsis, explores how remote GP consultations are providing opportunities for both patients and the NHS.
new employment platform, NP11

NP11 launch new employment platform for the North

The North versus South narrative is currently making headlines - in the middle of the chaos, NP11 is launching a new employment platform

How can the Department of Transport integrate e-scooters into the existing transport network?

Alex Froom, Chief Product Officer at Zipabout examines the Department for Transport fast-track trials of rental e-scooters and how to integrate them into our existing transport network.
demonstrator programme

Demonstrator Programme helps schools meet the challenges of remote learning

Here we report on the EdTech Demonstrator Programme funded by the Department of Education to help schools and colleges meet the challenges of remote teaching and learning as the second wave of COVID strikes.
food security in africa, algorithm

Technology can track crop diseases impacting food security in Africa

New research shows how food security in Africa could be protected by an algorithm that can track diseases in banana crops.
partnership agreement

The UK has signed its first trade deal with Japan

The UK has signed an economic partnership agreement with Japan, the first major trade deal made as an independent trading nation.
international study

The Government must take steps to attract international students

James Pitman, Managing Director of Study Group, argues that the UK must capitalise on restrictive measures implemented against international students in the U.S. and Australia or the economy could lose £20 billion plus net contribution.

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