Open Access News

Procurement Services

Bloom Procurement Services deliver £28 million in social value

Bloom Procurement Services has delivered over £28 million in social value activity in just one year, according to a new report.
Taxpayers money

Taxpayers money for police and fire brigade services is wasted on fly-tipping

It has been revealed that taxpayers money is being used to clean up fly-tipping incidents as opposed to being allocated to police and fire brigade services.
tackling fraud

Could technology be the answer to tackling fraud?

Caroline Bimson, Practice Manager - Business and Digital Consulting, Atkins, explores how the government is tackling fraud and the three key technological developments that can help with their efforts.
COVID-19 lockdown rules, traits

Which personality is most likely to follow COVID-19 lockdown rules?

American Psychological Association research found that people low on openness and neuroticism are less likely to follow COVID-19 lockdown rules.
skilled workers

Employers must act quickly to recruit skilled workers from the EU

Mini Setty, partner at Langleys Solicitors, explains why employers need to act quickly if they want to avoid falling foul of Brexit-related barriers to recruitment skilled workers from the EU.
ethnic minority populations, racism

7% of US schools in poorer, ethnic minority populations will open

Data suggests that only 7% of US schools in poorer, ethnic minority populations will open fully this Autumn - policy-makers are struggling between access to education and protection from infection.
digital presence

Developing an accessible digital presence with users in mind

Danny Bluestone, CEO of Cyber-Duck, stresses the importance of creating an accessible digital presence that is designed to put the user at the heart of the experience, particularly within governments.
detect dark matter, novel

Could tiny pendulums be the way to detect dark matter?

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and their colleagues have proposed a novel method for detecting dark matter.
websites live

How can government organisations keep websites live in heavy traffic?

Varnish Software explores how government organisations can utilise technology to keep websites live during periods of heavy traffic and why this will be so important both during and post-pandemic.
premature deaths

Tens of thousands of pollution related deaths averted by COVID lockdown

According to a new study, COVID-19 lockdowns across China and Europe have averted tens of thousands of premature deaths related to air pollution.
global carbon emissions, transport

COVID-19 decreased global carbon emissions by 1551 million tonnes

The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research analysed real-time data to understand the impact of this unprecedented lockdown on global carbon emissions.
exceptional customer service

The art of delivering exceptional customer service in times of crisis

Joanna Swash, CEO of Moneypenny, shares how businesses can ensure that they deliver exceptional customer service during these unsettling times.
Free Wills Month

Free Wills Month: Why we must confront the taboo of wills

In recognition of Free Wills Month, Andrew Megson, executive chairman of My Pension Expert, stresses that we should not bury our heads in the sand when it comes to arranging a will.
cybersecurity risks, data

Preventing cybersecurity risks in healthcare

Craig Atkins, Managing Director at 1-Fix Limited, discusses the ongoing problem of cybersecurity risks in healthcare.

Over50s at crisis point as they are overlooked by government support

Paul Green, Founder and CEO of Over50s Money, discusses what he sees as the only options available for the Over50s after being overlooked by the Government when it comes to financial and commercial support during the pandemic.
furloughed staff

What is the best way to ‘re-onboard’ furloughed staff?

Paul Sleath, CEO at PEO Worldwide, explores what the best approach is when handling the re-onboarding process of furloughed staff.
police departments

Police departments turn to digital transformation to lower costs

As the thin blue line gets thinner, police departments are turning to digital transformation to lower costs. John Rennie, General Manager, Public Safety, NICE, examines the adoption of new technology here.
Crowdsourcing technology

Crowdsourcing technology reinvents collaboration for UK diagnostics community

Here we explore how crowdsourcing technology has helped the NHS and the wider diagnostics community in their coronavirus response.
leadership roles

How can we encourage change in leadership roles?

Chris Lewis and Pippa Malmgren, Authors of The Infinite Leader, discuss how the current education system must change in order to develop leadership roles.

How to stay Off-Payroll compliant so that firms can hire with confidence

Dave Chaplin, CEO of IR35 Shield and author of IR35 & Off-Payroll Explained, urges hirers to act now and prepare for the new Off-Payroll legislation.

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