Open Access News

back pain during pregnancy

13 remedies for back pain during pregnancy

Here, Bodytonic Clinic share their top 13 ways that women can alleviate the symptoms of pregnancy-related back pain as recommended by experts.
student satisfaction

Maintaining first-class student satisfaction in a post-COVID era

Martin Taylor, Deputy CEO at Content Guru, discusses what universities must do, in these strange times and in respect to their technology, to maintain student satisfaction.
academic year post-lockdown

What to expect from the new academic year post-lockdown

In light of schools reopening at the beginning of the month, Simon Carter, Director at RM Education, highlights what is to be expected from the new academic year post-lockdown.
glacier melting

Glacier melting in Greenland: Impact on marine ecosystem and society

Shin Sugiyama, Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, examines glacier melting and its impact on the marine ecosystem and society in Greenland.
lessons from COVID-19

Lessons from COVID-19: How can healthcare change for the better?

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Digital Healthcare Council members have mobilised at an unprecedented scale to support the NHS and social care, and its director, Graham Kendall, outlines here what has worked, and what needs to change.
open science in Europe

Open Science in Europe: A challenge to benefit all

Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation in France, weighs up the benefits and challenges of achieving open science in Europe.
medical application of CBD, covid

COVID is shifting the conversation about the medical application of CBD

Hannah Deacon, co-founder of Maple Tree Consultancy, explores how COVID is elevating and shaping the medical application of CBD.
contact tracing, venue

Will the Government app solve contact tracing at venues?

The new outsourced Test and Trace app is set for launch on 24th September: How does it look for contact tracing at venues?
CBD in the UK, dose

A comprehensive guide to CBD in the UK

Here, Professor Mike Barnes discusses and answers some key questions about the world of CBD in the UK.
building energy efficiency

Building energy efficiency as part of your carbon commitment

Paul Wells, CEO of IM&M, discusses how changing your energy consumption as part of your Intelligent Building Strategy can have a huge impact on both cost and energy usage.
additional social value

Creating additional social value for the work we do

Guy Battle, CEO of Social Value Portal urges us to take a moment to consider the value of the paper face mask to illustrate the wider point about creating additional social value for the work we do.
AP operations, AP

Combatting Fraud: A proactive approach to AP operations

Here, Fiscal Technologies offers insight and a unique solution to turn AP from reactive to proactive to defend against fraud and error.
surface functionalization, drug

Surface functionalization: A tool for biotechnology and health sectors

Professor Sandra Carvalho, University of Minho, Department of Physics, discusses the emergence of surface functionalization as a strategy in biotech and health.
net zero carbon economy

Solid Oxide cells: Powering a net zero carbon economy

Here, Professor Stephen Skinner, Imperial College London, discusses the potential of solid oxide cells to meet our future energy needs with reduced carbon emissions.
geospace sciences

Extending intellectual frontiers in atmospheric and geospace sciences

Here, Open Access Government probes how the National Science Foundation in the U.S. supports extending intellectual frontiers in the atmospheric and geospace sciences.
public-sector teams

How to lead public-sector teams through this time of turmoil

Dr Phillip Whiteman, Lecturer in Public Policy at the University of Birmingham, believes the need for inspiring public-sector leadership has never been greater.
artificial upwelling, coral bleaching

Could pumping cold water from the deep ocean halt coral bleaching?

A new study shows that artificial upwelling could provide the answer to preventing coral bleaching caused by global warming and rising sea temperatures.
challenges of covid-19

How innovation is helping U.S. farmers rise to the challenges of COVID-19

The role of technology and innovation in helping farmers overcome the challenges of COVID-19 and meet future demands are discussed here by David Green from the U.S. Sustainability Alliance.
eu bio based, green recovery

How the bio-based industry is key to the EU’s green recovery

According to a new report, strong European bio-based industries will allow the EU to accelerate the green economic recovery and the transition towards climate neutrality.
climate science, pollution

The problem isn’t climate science, it’s how politicians act on climate science

We look at the problems that occur when climate science is translated into policy, and investigate how these problems still happen.

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