Open Access News

economic recovery

How the energy sector can contribute to Europe’s economic recovery

Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Energy Director General of the European Commission explains how the energy sector can contribute to Europe’s economic recovery.
Fertilising products

From farm to market: Upcycling manure to improved fertilising products

Laia Llenas explains the FERTIMANURE project, which aims to close the manure nutrient cycle by providing innovative manure management strategies and business models to take new fertilising products to the EU market.

SSEC: Ongoing investments and research projects

Here, Bengt Fellbe discusses the progress of investments and research projects.

Technology focus: Social impact analysis using voice biomarkers

Shinichi Tokuno from the University of Tokyo walks us through voice analysis technology, specifically focussing on social impact analysis using voice biomarkers.
PASET programme, technology

The RSIF-PASET Programme: Food security and agribusiness at SACIDS Foundation

Here, Professor Gerald Misinzo and Professor Mark Rweyemamu discuss the potential of the RSIF-PASET Programme.
Transprecision computing, OPRECOMP

OPRECOMP: Transprecision computing for energy efficiency

Cristiano Malossi, PhD, Manager AI Automation at IBM Research – Zurich tells us what we need to know about the OPRECOMP project that concerns transprecision computing for energy efficiency.
opioid epidemic

How can e-Learning for Healthcare help overcome the ‘opioid epidemic’?

Here, we learn all about the ‘opioid epidemic’ and how e-Learning for Healthcare’s e-PAIN programme is helping NHS staff to overcome it.
a green recovery

The Race to Zero – Triggering a Green Recovery

The race to net-zero carbon and a green recovery is on, and here, Prof. Dr. Raimund Bleischwitz explains how this will require systems thinking.
digital transformation, OPEX

Providing solutions and services to ensure successful NHS digitalisation during COVID-19

Craig Hartley, UK Business Development Manager for OPEX Business Machines GmbH explains how their solutions are helping both the NHS and the wider Public Sector achieve digital transformation.
Social pretend play

Why social pretend play should be promoted in preschools

Scientists from the University of Konstanz and Thurgau University of Teacher Education investigate the importance of social pretend play for children’s social-emotional development, suggesting educational strategies to support children’s play.
heat pumps london, decarbonising

Heat pumps are vital for decarbonising London’s energy sector

According to a new report, decarbonising the heat sector with mass deployment of heat pumps is critical to London achieving net zero emission targets.
Tenant health

iOpt: Why IoT collaboration is at the heart of building a healthier nation

Here, Founder and Managing Director of iOpt Dane Ralston, features a case study of iOpt’s breakthrough collaboration with Renfrewshire Council, one which could fundamentally change the way the UK manages housing stock – and deliver benefits in cost-saving, energy efficiency and tenant health.
progressive state leadership, international development

Progressive State Leadership: A Vision for the New FCDO

Here, Richard Beardsworth continues his series on the nature of progressive state leadership, asking how the present merger of British diplomacy and development could promote progressive global leadership in a post-Brexit UK.
next big pandemic

Antimicrobial resistance: The next big pandemic?

Josep Figueras and Anna Sagan from the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies focus here on antimicrobial resistance and ponder whether or not this could be the next big pandemic.
permafrost carbon emissions

The unaccounted-for side of permafrost carbon

Considering carbon as a lone entity during permafrost thaw is likely to lead to over-confident projections of permafrost carbon emissions, highlights Sophie Opfergelt, Earth and Life Institute, UCLouvain, Belgium.
digital transformation, digital solutions

A world of accelerated digital transformation

In the digital age, it is vital to recognise cybersecurity as a real threat, and EHJ & SJ Consultancy Ltd are providing digital solutions to match our world of accelerated digital transformation.
IT Pro Day

IT Pro Day: Why are IT professionals crucial to businesses?

In recognition of this year's IT Pro Day, Open Access Government asks nine technology experts why IT professionals are the backbone of all businesses.
critical raw materials, sustainable Europe

Plans for Europe’s raw materials supply to be more secure and sustainable

The European Commission is introducing an Action Plan on critical raw materials to aid the transition to a more secure and sustainable supply chain.
Sustainable agriculture

Sustainable agriculture in Japan

Open Access Government explores how Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is working towards sustainably reducing the environmental impact of agriculture and livestock.
Energy supplies

Energy policy: Reliable, affordable, and clean

Open Access Government explores the priorities of the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy for ensuring that the UK has secure energy supplies that are reliable, affordable, and clean.

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