Open Access News

digital mental health therapy

The critical role of digital mental health therapy

Dr Lloyd Humphreys, clinical psychologist, NHS Innovation Accelerator alumnus and Head of Europe at SilverCloud Health, explores the aspects of delivering mental health services after COVID-19 and the important future role of digital mental health therapy.
use AI ethically

How the public sector can use AI ethically

Asheesh Mehra, CEO and Co-Founder, AntWorks, advises how governments can adopt artificial intelligence (AI) in an ethical and measured way.
New antibiotics

Finding new antibiotics: The genome way

Professor Tilmann Weber discusses how microbial genomics helps to find the next generation of antibiotics in the race against antimicrobial resistance.
european mental health strategy

Beyond COVID-19: The call for a European mental health strategy

Marcin Rodzinka, Advocacy and Policy Officer for Mental Health Europe, discusses how EU states are paving the way for more resilient mental health systems post COVID-19.
future of care

Why the future of care lies in tech, not robots 

Nicholas Kelly, CEO of Axela Ltd, explains why he believes that the future of care lies in tech, not just robots.
shift in procurement

A dynamic shift in procurement

Paul Smith, Deputy Managing Director at YPO, discusses the importance of Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) to local authorities in a COVID-19 landscape in this procurement spotlight.
engaged learning

Can learners ever be truly engaged in remote learning?

Colin Hegarty, founder of HegartyMaths and Education and Schools Director at Sparx, explores why schools should focus on edtech tools that encourage active engagement and personalisation as they prepare for further months of blended learning.
stormy economies

PE must chart stormy economies to capitalise on choice companies

Seasoned PE expert Martin Soderberg, Partner at SPEAR Capital says that private equity must chart stormy economies to capitalise on choice companies.
social care system

How can we rebuild a stronger social care system in the UK?

Max Parmentier, CEO of Birdie, believes that the social care 'reform' of scaling the current system 'from the 80s' is not enough and will only exacerbate its faults.
positive change

Recognising the opportunity for positive change after COVID-19

Here, Nicholas Morgan from PLACEmaking discusses how the aftermath of COVID-19 will fundamentally alter perceptions of work, and why businesses should use this as an opportunity for positive change in the workplace.
mathematics and computer science

Can studying mathematics and computer science be as creative as the arts?

Dr John Yardley, Managing Director of Threads Software Ltd, precisely outlines the value of studying both mathematics and computer science together, and why students...
digital twins

Digital twins – are they game-changers in clinical research and clinical care?

Prof Dr Freimut Schliess, Director of Science & Innovation at the Profil Institut für Stoffwechselforschung GmbH, explores if digital twins are game-changers in clinical research and clinical care.
what is cbd, savage cabbage

What is CBD and how does it work?

Savage Cabbage Ltd offer their expertise to explain what cannabidiol (CBD) is and how it works: Read on to find out their perspective.
raw materials for batteries

Industrial policy including secure access to raw materials for batteries

Carlos Trias Pintó explains the European Economic and Social Committee’s stance on industrial policy, including strategies to secure access to raw materials for batteries.
menstrual cycle seizures, hormone

New link between menstrual cycle seizures and epilepsy

Rutgers University found that people experience menstrual cycle seizures due to genetic generalised epilepsy.
information technology

How can we harness information technology to be more sustainable?

Here, Defra’s Chief Digital and Information Officer and Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) for sustainable technology across government, Chris Howes, tells us why the departments first Sustainable Information Technology (IT) strategy is such a significant development.
women's equality

Let’s talk gender diversity in tech this Women’s Equality Day

This Women’s Equality Day, we speak to seven technology professionals on their experiences with gender equality in the workplace and advise organisations on how they can provide an inclusive working environment.
COVID-19 vaccine, innovation

Cambridge COVID-19 vaccine gets £1.9 million to start trials

The University of Cambridge are developing a COVID-19 vaccine, which is expected to start clinical trials in Autumn 2020.
antibiotic resistance, COVID-19

Nightingale hospitals could increase antibiotic resistance

The University of Plymouth revealed that secondary COVID-19 treatment could be increasing antibiotic resistance and polluting water.
public good

How government and public sector can win at social media for public good

Barack Obama’s vision for transparent government communications rings true in a post-COVID-19 world. Here, we find out how the government and public sector can win at social media for the public good.

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