Open Access News

Enabling digital transformation

Enabling digital transformation in the public sector

Crown Commercial Service says that while the challenges of integrating technology into public services and the wider public sector can be daunting, much is being done to enable digital transformation.

Health: Enabling young children to achieve their full developmental potential

We spoke to the WHO Press Office about enabling young children to achieve their full developmental potential in this in-depth health focus.
remote care

Digital health, cancer and remote care

Zisis Kozlakidis from the International Agency for Research on Cancer and Symeon Psomiadis from the University of Athens, Greece lift the lid on digital health and cancer, including how remote care is being supported during COVID-19.
insulin delivery devices

Importance of choice: Insulin delivery systems for Type 1 diabetes in the UK (Advertorial)

Hjalte Hojsgaard, Insulet International, highlights why choice of insulin delivery devices is important, and why access to this life-changing technology is not yet fully utilised in UK diabetes services.

Broadening participation in U.S. astronomical research

Open Access Government explores the different ways that the National Science Foundation’s Division of Astronomical Sciences is encouraging wider participation and diversity in U.S. research.
low-code applications

Levelling the AI playing field through low-code applications

Richard Billington, Chief Technical Officer at Netcall outlines the importance of levelling the artificial intelligence playing field through low-code applications.
do not resuscitate, elderly

Care homes told to label residents as Do Not Resuscitate

A recent report found that care homes were given blanket orders to label their elderly residents as Do Not Resuscitate, without asking family.
our world

Physics: Crucial questions about structure and our world

Denise Caldwell, Director, Division of Physics U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), sheds light on research that addresses the most fundamental questions surrounding the structure and inner workings of our world.
sub metering

Metering and monitoring made simple

Here, we discover the numerous benefits of metering, sub metering and how Orsis is providing simple solutions to monitor energy consumption.

Biomass conversion for high value products

NRRI Research Team Leaders discuss biomass conversion for high value products.
COVID-19 crisis

Universities looking beyond the COVID-19 crisis

Amanda Crowfoot, Secretary-General of the European University Association, examines what the future holds for universities in Europe beyond the COVID-19 crisis.

Space: Morphology of impact craters from shaped penetrators

Here, M. Danner and R.M Winglee from Department of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington, share their expertise on the morphology of impact craters from shaped penetrators.
digital change, CRM,

Why the right CRM system is vital to driving digital change

Philip Mayling, CEO of BuddyCRM, discusses why the right Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) is vital to driving digital change 
procurement fraud

Continuous monitoring could help prevent procurement fraud

Laurent Colombant, Continuous Controls and Fraud Manager at SAS, explores the role of continuous monitoring systems in helping organisations resolve procurement fraud.
pension pot

Protecting your pension pot, post-COVID 19

Andrew Megson, executive chairman, My Pension Expert, discusses the financial pressures brought about by the coronavirus, and how consumers can plan for retirement and protect their pension pot in such uncertain times.
COVID-19 documentation, AHRC

£1 million for COVID-19 documentation project in Manchester

The University of Manchester recently won a grant of nearly £1 million, to support their ongoing COVID-19 documentation projection.
voice technology, chatbots

Chatbots and voice technology in healthcare

Rob Bennett, CEO of Rehab, discusses the current use of chatbots and voice technology in healthcare systems and where current opportunities are being missed.
been hacked, hacked, hacking

How to know if you have been hacked

Jade Mansfield from Criterion Systems, advises how to take back control if you've been hacked, how to spot unusual behaviour and how to secure your accounts to leave them less vulnerable in the future.

Can R&D activities raise rice to the league of superfoods?

Aarthi Janakiraman, Research Manager, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, Frost & Sullivan, ponders if R&D activities raise rice to the league of superfoods.
digital eye strain, eye strain, blue light

Blue light blight: Everything you need to know about digital eye strain

Nimesh Shah, Marketing Director at Feel Good Contacts, explores how blue light from your devices can cause digital eye strain and what you can do to keep your eyes healthy.

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