Open Access News

substance abuse, homeless youth, ai algorithm,

AI algorithm to identify homeless youth at risk of substance abuse

Researchers at the College of Information Sciences and Technology at Penn State have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to help identify homeless youth at risk of substance abuse.
post-lockdown workplace, covid-19

Experts discuss what the post-lockdown workplace will look like

Here, some experts discuss how the "new normal" will look for the post-lockdown workplace.
muscle mass, diabetes,

The relationship between diabetes and muscle mass

InBody Clinical Team describes the relationship between diabetes, one of the most common diseases of the modern age, and muscle mass.
electronics in the body, tumours

One step closer to implanting diagnostic electronics in the body

The American Chemical Society (ACS) are closer to using electronics in the body, to diagnose tumours and track illnesses.
climate neutrality by 2050

European Union: Small scale solutions for climate neutrality by 2050?

The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies proposes that small scale solutions could be the cheaper way that climate neutrality happens by 2050.
fourth industrial revolution, government

How can the Government respond to the fourth industrial revolution?

Mark Brett, public services expert at PA Consulting, explains how the Government could use the fourth industrial revolution to make sure no-one is left behind.
reverse vision loss, eye

New cell injection technique could reverse vision loss

Researchers at the University of Toronto Engineering tried co-injection of both retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) cells and photoreceptor cells to reverse vision loss.
policing homelessness

Policing homelessness: The mental health of an isolated community

Researchers look at the public health impact of policing homelessness in the Colorado area.
free of sea ice, arctic

The arctic could be free of sea ice as early as 2035

The Arctic is melting faster than even the most drastic predictions: A new study predicts the Arctic could be free of sea ice by 2035.
drug development trial, male bias

Male bias in drug development trials creates overmedication

New research shows that the gender gap in drug development trials results in an overmedication of women by healthcare professionals.
Ocean warming patterns

Human influence is a key agent of future ocean warming patterns

Scientists found that circulation changes on ocean warming patterns will decrease in influence, which may alter sea level rise predictions.
marine survey

Marine survey: Side-scan sonar focus

Gwo-shyh Song from Global Aqua Survey Ltd and National Taiwan University, highlights a special skill concerning the use of the side-scan sonar to scan underwater targets or side-slope structures in this marine survey focus.
spinal decompression

The expansion of IDD Therapy spinal decompression in the UK

John Wood MCSP and Lewis Payne MCSP, Sheffield Physiotherapy, explores the expansion of the use of IDD Therapy spinal decompression in the UK.
personalise learning experiences

How to use adaptive learning to personalise learning experiences

Graham Glass, CEO of Cypher Learning, discusses how harnessing the power of adaptive learning to personalise learning experiences can support schools and students.

Why we cannot afford to let the healthtech boom lose pace post-COVID-19

Rupert Spiegelberg, CEO of Doctorlink, explains why we cannot accord to let the healthtech boom lose pace in a post-COVID-19 reality.
CBD novel food applications

The European Commission’s ‘pause’ on CBD novel food applications

Associate, David Hardstaff and Partner, John Binns at BCL Solicitors LLP, explain here how cannabis wonder child takes a knock in light of the European Commission’s ‘pause’ on CBD novel food applications mean for this booming industry.
patient outcomes

How intelligent automation is delivering better patient outcomes

Peter Walker, CTO EMEA at Blue Prism, discusses how intelligent automation is being used by the NHS to streamline operations and improve patient outcomes, particularly in light of the COVID-19 crisis.
russia covid-19 vaccine, US vaccine

Russia approves COVID-19 vaccine before completing trials

Russia is the first country to announce the approval of a COVID-19 vaccine, without completing clinical trials.
natural hair discrimination, racism

Natural hair discrimination still limits opportunities for Black women

New research confirms that Black women continue to face natural hair discrimination, making Black women with straightened hair more likely to get hired.
transport health and safety

Back to School: How to handle transport health and safety the right way

James Horseman, Company Director of Horseman Coaches explores how transport health and safety can be handled the right way as students begin to go back to school.

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