Open Access News

human health

Potential implications of microplastics in human health and biodiversity

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group, discusses the potential implications of microplastics in human health and biodiversity.
Examination results, England, Scotland

Downgraded exam results in Scotland cause anger

Exam results released in Scotland create waves of anger after a mass downgrading of teacher-assessed grades, likely to be similar for England in late August.
information accessible 

5 steps the public sector should follow when making information accessible

Fiona McParland, Publishing Manager, APS Group, highlights 5 steps that public sector organisations should consider when making information accessible.
AI adoption, artificial intelligence

How COVID-19 is driving AI adoption across the healthcare industry

Vincent Grasso, Global Healthcare & Life Sciences Lead, IPsoft, discusses how COVID-19 is driving AI adoption across the healthcare industry.
back-to-work anxiety

Combatting back-to-work anxiety in STEM

In this article, we will explore back-to-work anxiety in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) industries and how to combat it.
support social distancing

How technology can support social distancing

In this article, we explore how crowd simulation technology can help businesses to plan effective social distancing.
beavers in devon

After 400 years, beavers are living wildly in Devon’s rivers

Wild beavers are living naturally on Devon’s River Otter for the first time in 400 years after a five-year trial showed their dam-building activities were good for people and wildlife.
insulin delivery

Reducing the burden of diabetes management through flexible and discreet insulin delivery

Alex Evans, UK Country Manager for ViCentra B.V., discusses how insulin pump system Kaleido can provide solutions to reduce the practical and emotional burden of living with diabetes.
living with diabetes

Why COVID-19 is a concern for people with diabetes

Prof. Andrew Boulton, MD, DSc (Hon), FACP, FICP, FRCP, President of the International Diabetes Federation, highlights why COVID-19 is a particular concern for people living with diabetes.

The SP System: A promising foundation for the development of human-like general AI

Dr J Gerard Wolff, Director at describes the SP System – a promising foundation for the development of human-like general artificial intelligence.
brain research

Brexit impact: Health and brain research

Prof Monica Di Luca, President, European Brain Council, sheds light on the greater impact of Brexit in terms of health and brain research being up for negotiation.
alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease: Incurable but preventable?

Jonathan Baker of, GBS Clinic, sheds light on the current extent of our knowledge of Alzheimer’s disease.
diabetic retinal screening

Eye health: Diabetic Retinal Screening

Max Halford FBDO CL, Clinical Lead for the Association of British Dispensing Opticians, tells us what we need to know about Diabetic Retinal Screening in this eye health focus.
medical school curriculum

Medical school curriculum must include health technology

Dr Ravi Tomar discusses why the medical school curriculum must include health technology.
climate discussion

Moving the climate discussion towards concrete action

Tomer Shalit, CEO and Founder of ClimateView, shares his reflections on moving the climate discussion beyond the diagnostic paradigm and towards concrete action.
workplace diversity, dinner table conversation

Can workplace diversity change discussions around the dinner table?

Toby Mildon discusses how workplace diversity could influence the way that individuals perceive minority groups, via dinner table conversations.
role of technology in ophthalmology

The role of technology in ophthalmology

Mr Romesh Angunawela, Founding Partner, Ophthalmic Consultants of London, enlightens us on the role of technology in ophthalmology as part of the NHS’s efforts to tackle the COVID backlog.
pool europe's data, european commission

Why the European Commission wants to pool Europe’s data

The EC hopes that shared public and private data lakes will create successes: Michal Gabrielczyk, Cambridge Consultants, believes the benefits of the strategy could ripple well beyond Europe.
disadvantaged children

COVID-19 higher among minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged children

A new study led by Children's National Hospital researchers shows that minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged children have significantly higher rates of COVID-19 infection.
reshape supply chains

How COVID-19 will reshape supply chains across the economy

Philip Ashton, CEO of 7bridges, discusses how COVID-19 will reshape supply chains across the economy.

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