Open Access News

health epidemic

UK health epidemic: The benefits of exercise for your mental health

Mental Health Advocate and Medical Doctor, Charlie Easmon explains why he thinks the UK is close to a health epidemic, made worse by COVID-19, and discusses the benefits that taking up exercise has for your mental health.
COVID-19 research, racial justice

COVID-19 research: Racial justice in UK policy-making will help economy

New COVID-19 research asks UK to protect BAME and migrant groups from the economic impact of the pandemic, as they will be hit hardest.
chronic pain diseases, cannabinoids

Chronic pain diseases and medical cannabis

Janosch Kratz discusses the importance of medical cannabis for chronic pain diseases.
air pollution targets

Government must commit to stronger air pollution targets

Zak Bond, Policy Officer at the British Lung Foundation, explores why the government must commit to stronger air pollution targets to protect our lungs as we recover from COVID-19.
period poverty

We must keep talking about period poverty during the pandemic

Initial Washroom Hygiene explores why we need to keep talking about period poverty, even during the Coronavirus pandemic.
return to work

Employment law: What do employers need to know before employees return to work?

Karen Holden, Founder of A City Law Firm, discusses the employment law issues facing employers and what policies should be put in place to protect employee welfare before they return to work.
cybersecurity vulnerabilities

How to mitigate cybersecurity vulnerabilities faced in the public sector

Nash Kapoor, VP EMEA at Alsid, discusses the key consideration for local governments looking to protect digital infrastructure from cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
avoiding health inequity

Technology design could be key to avoiding health inequity

Lord Victor Adebowale, chair and co-founder of Visionable, discusses why getting technology design right could be key to avoiding health inequity, especially during the COVID-19 crisis.
trial by jury, covid

Trial by jury in a time of pandemic

Simon Spence, QC at Red Lion Chambers, explains the need for trial by jury in a time of global pandemic.
COVID-19 test, johns hopkins

COVID-19 test can give wrong result when taken too early

Johns Hopkins researchers found taking the COVID-19 test too early can give the wrong result, making you falsely COVID-free.
gender gap in academic medicine

COVID-19 research is widening the gender gap in academic medicine

A new study has found that fewer women were first authors on COVID-19-related research papers published in the first half of this year, suggesting a worsening gender gap in academic medicine.
core skills, carers

The digital carer: Do the core skills for a carer need a COVID re-boot?

William Britton, founder of AutonoMe, discusses how we must attempt to draw more people into the caring industry by re-booting the core skills required.
government corruption

Understanding digital maturity to tackle government corruption

Ben Stewart, CEO, Caution Your Blast, explores how a greater understanding of digital maturity can help tackle government corruption.
remdesivir covid

New research says remdesivir could be used to treat COVID-19

There is more positive news regarding remdesivir, the investigational anti-viral drug that has shown early promise in the fight against COVID-19.
plastic free

The Plastic Free July pledge: Three brands leading the way

Here, we take a closer look at three brands that are setting the bar high for this year's Plastic Free July pledge,  a global movement to discourage the use of single-use plastic.
extinction target

Scientists propose global species extinction target to preserve biodiversity

New research has proposed a long-term target to reduce species extinction rates, with an objective of a more natural rate of fewer than 20 extinctions per year.
rishi sunak mini budget, green homes

Rishi Sunak mini-budget: What about the environment?

Rishi Sunak has unveiled a mini-budget that proposes to change the environment infrastructure of the UK: What does that mean?
electric transportation

The implications of electric transportation modernisation on small businesses

Rose Lenoff, Growth Director at Greenspot, explores what implications electric transportation modernisation will have on small businesses and community groups.
corporate insolvency and governance act

The new Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act

Keith Steven of Company Rescue explores and comments on the new Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act which came into force at the end of June 2020.
cleaner environment

How can ReCO2ST create a cleaner environment?

Denia Kolokotsa, Associate Professor at the Technical University of Crete, discusses how ReCO2ST could create a cleaner environment.

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