Open Access News

pro-diversity ideas. marginalised

Normalising pro-diversity ideas creates tolerant society

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that normalising pro-diversity feelings helped decrease racial discrimination.
cleaner transport

Building momentum for cleaner transport

Amy Adams, VP Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technologies at Cummins, discusses how we can build momentum for cleaner transport to make way for more resilient, healthier, and more sustainable cities.
prevent species extinction, COVID

Pandemic can teach us how to prevent species extinction

Researchers say the pandemic has shown us how to save the world from global warming and prevent species extinction.
staying connected

Excelerate Technology: COVID-19 and the value of staying connected

David Savage, Group Executive Chairman of Excelerate Technology, details the importance of utilising a mix of communication channels for assisting with remote operations during a crisis.
digital transformation of the NHS

COVID-19 and the digital transformation of the NHS

COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation throughout the NHS – but what now for the unwanted equipment asks Carmen Ene, CEO at 3stepIT.
medical cannabis

How are different types of medical cannabis working for different diseases?

Dr David Moorhouse, General Neurologist, discusses the way that different diseases respond to different types of medical cannabis.
pain medicine

How cannabinoids can be used as pain medicine

Dr Daniela Tonucci, a consultant for over 10 years, talks us through the use of cannabinoids as pain medicine.
edtech strategy

Creating an effective edtech strategy for when schools reopen

Graham Glass, CEO of Cypher Learning, discusses how schools can use this time as an opportunity to implement an effective edtech strategy for when they reopen.
locust outbreak in india, GODAN

Locust outbreak in India continues to harm food security

Andre Laperriere, the Executive Director of Global Open Data for Agriculture & Nutrition (GODAN) discusses the locust outbreak in India.
EU’s priorities

The Green Deal: Are the EU’s priorities still in place?

Isabel Caño Aguilar, Vice-President for Communication at the European Economic and Social Committee, turns our thoughts to the Green Deal - and asks if the EU’s priorities for equality and digitalisation are still in place.
oil and gas

How will oil and gas investment recover after the pandemic?

Henry Berry, director of Tristone Holdings Ltd, shares his thoughts on how investment in the oil and gas industry will recover after the COVID-19 pandemic.
access to medicinal cannabis, trevor jones

The EUMCA: Pioneering access to medicinal cannabis

Professor Trevor Jones, Chair at the European Medicinal Cannabis Association, speaks to Nishat about their plans for EU patient access to medicinal cannabis.
procurement frameworks

Digital transformation: Working with Government procurement frameworks

Hannah Paterson, Principal Consultant at Step5, shares her views on working with, not against, UK Government frameworks to better support digital transformation.
cannabinoid research

Expanding the portfolio of rigorous cannabinoid research with new funding opportunities

David Shurtleff, PhD, Deputy Director at the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, National Institutes of Health, discusses new funding opportunities for cannabinoid research.
racial discrimination, one young world

Young activists do not trust their Government on racial discrimination

Research from One Young World’s global network shows that 74% of their Peace Ambassadors do not believe racial discrimination will be changed by their politicians.
COVID-19 outbreak

The COVID-19 outbreak in the African Region

Open Access Government was privileged to speak with Dr Mary Stephen, Public Health Expert at the World Health Organization African Region about the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak since it was first reported in China back in December 2019.
sustainable transport

EVs: How can data support the transition to sustainable transport?

Simone Torino, Head of Product and Business Development at CKDelta, discusses the role of anonymised data in supporting a smooth transition to sustainable transport.
care options

Care options in the UK for the elderly

Country Cousins, a live-in care provider, has developed a guide detailing some of the care options available in the UK for elderly people.
government contracts

An SME guide to securing government contracts

Samuel Johnston, CMO at BookingLive, shares tips on how SME's can bid on and secure government contracts in a time when innovation is crucial in the public sector.

Tackling the UK’s fly-tipping crisis

Aaron Georgiou, CEO and Founder, Litta, discusses how businesses have been affected by recent fly-tipping activities and what can be done to ensure the efficient and safe disposal of commercial waste.

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