Open Access News

astronomical sciences

Encouraging astronomical sciences in the U.S.

Editor of Open Access Government, Jonathan Miles, takes us on a voyage of discovery when it comes to supporting astronomical sciences in the U.S.
EU’s Economy

Putting people first and strengthening the EU’s Economy

Here, Open Access Government looks into European Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni’s priorities for strengthening the EU’s Economy while also putting citizens first, particularly in a time of crisis.
diabetes and heart failure, death

Type 2 diabetes and heart failure creates highest death risk

Those newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and heart failure are at the greatest 5-year risk of death, according to scientists at The American Heart Association.
artificial beta cells

Artificial beta cells could lead to new diabetes treatment

Researchers from the University of North Carolina and NC State have developed artificial beta cells that automatically release insulin into the bloodstream when glucose levels rise, leading the way for new diabetes treatment.

Battery research using calorimeters: Improving thermal management and safety

Dr Carlos Ziebert, Head of IAM-AWP’s Calorimeter Center, KIT, presents a holistic approach to how battery calorimeters can be applied all along the battery value chain.
energy policy

What are the UK’s priorities for energy policy including electric vehicles today?

Megan Warrender of Open Access Government explores Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy, led by Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP’s, priorities for energy policy in response to COVID-19.
Greenheart CBD

Greenheart CBD: A green crop from seed to shelf

Here, we learn how about a different kind of green crop that grows in Ireland and the journey of that from seed to shelf as part of the Greenheart CBD story.
remadyl, legacy substances

REMADYL: Removal of Legacy Substances from polyvinylchloride (PVC)

Manager EU Research at Centexbel, Guy Buyle introduces REMADYL, a H2020 project focused on the removal of legacy substances from PVC via a continuous and sustainable extrusion process.
digital age

A Europe fit for the digital age

The strides being made by the European Commission to achieve a digitalised society for all are explored by Assistant Editor of Open Access Government, Megan Warrender.
AI ethics

How will COVID-19 reframe our attitude towards AI ethics?

Vernon Hunte, Associate Director of Public Affairs at April Six, discusses how COVID-19 will change up out attitude towards artificial intelligence (AI) ethics.
laser ablation in liquid, nanocomposites

Reactive laser ablation in liquid: A route to novel nanocomposites

Here, Katharine Moore Tibbetts explores laser ablation in liquid as a versatile synthetic technique.
racism in the workplace

Racism in the workplace: A view from the United States

In the first of two articles, the US member firm of Ius Laboris, provides suggestions on actions employers in the United States should reinforce against racism and discrimination in the workplace.
workplace safety standards

5 simple ways to meet new workplace safety standards

Lee Hatwell, director of Munday + Cramer, addresses some of the most frequently asked questions regarding what simple measures can be taken to meet new Government safety standards and ease employee anxieties towards returning to work.
impact of COVID-19

Handling the healthcare impact of COVID-19

Sue Johnson Gregory, principal consultant, and Tim Powlson, senior consultant, at  Entec Si, discuss how the NHS can recover from the long-term impact of COVID-19.
green recovery plans, battery technologies

Battery technologies underpin green recovery plans in Europe

Dr Alistair Davidson, Director of the Consortium for Battery Innovation, argues that battery technologies underpin green recovery plans in Europe.
attracting major investors, medicine

Attracting major investors: GreenLight on the international stage

In the last six months GreenLight Medicines has successfully out-licenced leads from its research, branching out internationally and attracting major investors.
lead out of the environment, environment

Time to take a lead by taking lead out of the environment

Jacques Trouvilliez, Executive Secretary of AEWA, discusses the challenge of continued use of lead ammunition.

The medical cannabis space: A successful targeted investment strategy

In this interview, David Engel from Full Moon Investments in the U.S., charts the firm’s successful targeted investment strategy – informed by industry-leading experience and expertise – including comments on the CBD hemp and medical cannabis space.
children into STEM

Encouraging children into STEM throughout lockdown and beyond

Here, we highlight how parents can continue to encourage children into STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects during lockdown and beyond.
Pilot training

Pilot training in a post COVID-19 reality

Bhanu Choudhrie, Founder of Alpha Aviation, discusses how the aviation industry must adapt in order to overcome challenges in pilot training in a post-COVID-19 world, highlighting the need to address gender imbalances.

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