Open Access News

Voice analysis,

Life events and voice biomarkers: Voice analysis technology

Shinichi Tokuno from Voice Analysis and Measurement of Pathophysiology, Department of Bioengineering, at the University of Tokyo, tells us about an exciting aspect of voice analysis technology that concerns life events and voice biomarkers.
cognitive function in older people, B vitamins,

Can B vitamins improve cognitive function in older people with mild impairment?

Therese Pei Fong Chow Research Centre for Prevention of Dementia, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, discuss if B vitamins can improve cognitive function in older people.
crisis management, covid-19

COVID-19 and crisis management: Reflecting upon challenges faced in the public sector

Dr Phillip Whiteman, Lecturer in Public Policy at the University of Birmingham, reflects on how the public sector has responded to the initial challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
humanitarian affairs,

Humanitarian affairs: The case for anticipatory action

UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Mark Lowcock, stresses the importance of anticipatory action when it comes to humanitarian affairs.
green recovery, COVID-19

Kicking off and delivering green recovery after the pandemic

Raimund Bleischwitz, Director of BSEER, explains how it could be possible to engineer a green recovery for society after the COVID-19 pandemic.
life and work, BCS

How technology changes who you are when your life and work exist predominantly online

Dr Bill Mitchell OBE, Director of Policy at the British Computer Society (BCS), highlights how technology changes you, when both your life and work exist mainly through the internet.
mental healthcare reform, mental health europe

COVID-19: The time for mental healthcare reform is now

Jennifer Oroilidis and Marie Fallon-Kund, from Mental Health Europe, argue that in light of COVID-19, the time for mental healthcare reform is now.
NHS virus frontlines, COVID

The silence before the tsunami: COVID is devastating behind NHS virus frontlines

Doctor Allon Barsam, consultant eye surgeon and founder of Ophthalmic Consultants of London, calls attention to the unexplored devastation behind the NHS virus frontlines.
COVID-19 mistakes, domestic abuse

Will the UK learn from COVID-19 mistakes affecting vulnerable communities?

Family law Barrister Paula Rhone-Adrien speaks about the suffering of vulnerable people in the wake of COVID-19 mistakes by the UK.
smart agriculture, fisheries

Current efforts to realise smart agriculture in Japan

Taku Eto, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Japan charts the country’s efforts to realise smart agriculture.
maximising technology, digital content management

Moving forward: Maximising technology from a usability and accessibility perspective

Senior Accessibility Analyst at Digital Analyst Centre Mike Taylor discusses maximising technology to be both usable and accessible, and how to make it work for everyone.
BAME community, british geriatrics society

British Geriatrics Society: “BAME community has disproportionate share of deaths”

The British Geriatrics Society (BGS) comment on how the BAME community is facing a disproportionate share of COVID-19 fatalities.
endocrine disruption, retinoids

Vitamin A joins endocrine disruption

Here, Alberto Mantovani discusses how Vitamin A joins endocrine disruption, an increasingly crucial issue.
next pandemic, virus

Expert comment: Now is the time to prepare for the next pandemic

Professor Martin Michaelis and Dr Mark Wass, University of Kent, School of Biosiences, say it is crucial to overcome COVID-19 and to prepare for the next pandemic.
oligomers, semenov

Oligomers: The advanced material for the design of nanomachines

Professor Vladik Avetisov and his teams are searching for oligomeric compositions, which are only a few nanometres in size, that behaves like nonlinear mechanical systems, more of which are detailed here in this chemical physics analysis.
covid-19 vaccine, manufacturing

How could we distribute a COVID-19 vaccine fairly and effectively?

Professor Behzad Samii, professor of operations and supply chain management at Vlerick Business School, discusses how to fairly circulate a COVID-19 vaccine.
net-zero carbon emissions, mathys and squire

Achieving net-zero carbon emissions with electric vehicles and charging points

Andrew White, Managing Associate, UK & European Patent Attorney at Mathys & Squire, argues that widespread adoption of electronic vehicles are key to achieving net-zero carbon emissions.
precarious housing, erasmus+

PusH: Precarious Housing in Europe, pushing for innovation in higher education

Here, Gideon Bolt (Utrecht University) and Sybille Münch (Leuphana University) introduce the Erasmus+ project PusH and the issue of precarious housing, particularly in higher education.
face masks

Rajant Corporation provides free face masks to healthcare workers

In response to the COVID-19 health crisis, Rajant Corporation, has capitalised on its in-house manufacturing and provided essential protective free-of-charge face masks to aid the valiant efforts of healthcare workers.

Designing public services in a user-centred way in a time of crisis

In order to make transformation more effective and beneficial in the long term, user-centred design must come into play, says Sam Menter, Co-founder and Managing Director of Mace & Menter.

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