Open Access News

wind farm block development

Phase III: The future of Taiwan wind farm block development

Gwo-shyh Song, Associate Professor at the National Taiwan University and from Global Aqua Survey Ltd, walks us through the future of Taiwan wind farm block development.
artificial intelligence robot

Artificial intelligence robot to support group discussion with pupils

Here, Takahira Yamaguchi from Keio University in Japan explores how an artificial intelligence robot works as part of a group discussion at a primary school.

Enhancing crop diversification to support transitions towards sustainable agri-food systems

Antoine Messéan, Research Manager and Lise Paresys, Scientific Officer for the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment in France, walk us through what we need to know about enhancing crop diversification to support transitions to sustainable agri-food systems.
local economies

Reviving the UK’s local economies in light of COVID-19

Gordon Mole, Head of Business and Employability at Fife Council and a Director of the Institute of Economic Development, shares his thoughts on reviving the UK’s local economies in light of COVID-19.
absence and sick pay

Absence and sick pay: FAQs for employers as lockdown restrictions ease

Lewis Silkin, the UK member firm of Ius Laboris, answers some of the most frequently asked questions about absence and sick pay in the UK during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
inclusive organisation, corporate

How can you build a genuinely inclusive organisation?

Stephen Frost, Founder of Frost Included, discusses the ways to build an inclusive organisation that centres the experiences of minorities.
dementia in the digital era

Dementia in the digital era: A Hong Kong perspective

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group shines the spotlight on dementia in the digital era, from a Hong Kong perspective.

Overcoming barriers to energy efficiency investments

BASE (Basel Agency For Sustainable Energy) explain to us their views on enabling a green economic COVID-19 recovery with energy efficiency investments, including analysis of the Energy Savings Insurance model.
legalising medical cannabis

COVID-19: A moment for legalising medical cannabis?

Here, Josh Smith talks us through the current pandemic and the recent history underlying the fight for legalising medical cannabis.
COVID-19 patients

10% of COVID-19 patients with diabetes die within 7 days of hospitalisation

New research has found that one in ten COVID-19 patients with diabetes dies within seven days of hospital admission.
influenza virus in africa

The spread and expansion of the influenza virus in Africa

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group sheds light on the spread and expansion of several types of the influenza virus in Africa.
china-uk trade, economy

The expected evolution of the China-UK trade relationship

Dr Yu Jie, associate at LSE IDEAS and senior research fellow at Chatham House, dissects the possible evolution of the China-UK trade relationship.
developing world, IoT

IoT can make a difference in the developing world

Christine Sund, Senior Advisor, ITU Regional Office for Africa at International Telecommunication Union argues that the Internet of Things can make a difference in the developing world.
digitisation for rail

Digitisation for rail: Challenges that bring high value

Here, Marcel van Velthoven discusses how to bring digitisation for rail, and any other company that wants to improve their asset management.
genetic research

Finland: A framework for genetic research

Mark Daly, Director of the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), HiLIFE at the University of Helsinki, shares his expertise on medical genetic research on a population scale in Finland.
electric vehicle batteries

How to give electric vehicle batteries a second life

James O’Brien, Product Group Director, MIVOLT, discusses how electric vehicle batteries can be given a better second life through recycling.
Robotic Process Automation, RPA

Robotic Process Automation can help the public sector battle COVID-19

Teemu Vieruaho, Head of Intelligent Automation, Digital Workforce, discusses how Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can help fight the public sector’s battle against COVID-19.
internet as a utility

COVID-19 recasts internet as a utility for every home

Jorg Welters, Partner at Reply, explores how the telecommunications sector has grown amid the COVID-19 crisis after broadband is perceived to be essential to surviving lockdown.

‘Luminaire of the Future’ aims to revolutionise the European lighting industry

Here, Project Coordinator of “Repro-light” Wilfred Pohl explains how the customisable and sustainable ‘Luminaire of the Future’ aims to revolutionise European lighting in the workplace.
polypharmacy and multimorbidity

Globally addressing polypharmacy and multimorbidities with computational techniques

Dr Juliana Bowles, School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews, discusses how to tackle polypharmacy and multimorbidities with computational techniques.

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